Amarna style
art created during the reign of Akhenaten, which features a more relaxed figure style than in Old and Middle Kingdom art
an Egyptian symbol of life
Axial plan
a building with an elongated ground plan
a roof that rises above lower roofs and thus has window space beneath
Engaged column
a column that is not freestanding but attached to a wall
Ground line
a baseline upon which figures stand
Hierarchy of scale
a system of representation that expresses a person’s importance by the size of his or her representation in a work of art
Egyptian writing using symbols or pictures as characters
a hall that has a roof supported by a dense thicket of columns
In situ
a Latin expression that means that something is in its original location
the soul, or spiritual essence, of a human being that either ascends to heaven or can live in an Egyptian statue itself
Arabic for “bench”, a low, flat-roofed Egyptian tomb with sides sloping down to the ground
literally, a “city of the dead”, a large burial area
a tall aquatic plant whose fiber is used as a writing surface in ancient Egypt
a colonnade surrounding a building or enclosing a courtyard
a king of ancient Egypt
a monumental gateway to an Egyptian temple marked by two flat, sloping walls between which is a smaller entrance
a horizontal band, often on top of another, that tells a narrative story
Relief sculpture
sculpture that projects from a flat background. A very shallow relief is called a bas-relief
Reserve column
a column that is cut away from rock but has no support function
a stone coffin
a schematic, nonrealistic manner of representing the visible world and its contents, abstracted from the way that they appear in nature
Sunken relief
a carving in which the outlines of figures are deeply carved into a surface so that the figures seem to project forward