population density
number of people living in given area
uk population distribution
population density highest in cities
high in areas around major cities or where major cities have developed into conurbation
upland areas motslty rural,rural sparsely populatted
towns that have merged to form continous urban areas
urban core economic activity
higher concentration-60% of job in cities found here
tertiary and manufacturanign sector
lots of people live in city as more jobs and bettr paid
rural areas economic activity
fewer job opportunities
seasonal tourism industry
some near urban have become commuter settlements-people live there and travel there for work
age structure in areas
higher proportion of younger people in big cities-closer to jobs so higher proportion of poulation of working age
higher proportion of older people in rural areas as move out of cities to retire to more peacefl environment
younger people leaver rural areas to work in cities
rural areas poverty
isolated on periphery of uk which are inacessible have few employment opportunities as difficult to farm and few natural resources,young people leave to find jobes elesewhere so loos of services
around former industrial areas where loss of manufacturing caused high unemployment and no new jobs
creating enterprise zones to reduce differences in wealth
created 55
offer companies range of benefits for locating in enterprise zones-reduced taxes,simpler plannin rules and improved infrastrcuture
used to encourage companies to locate in areas of high unemployment bringing jobs and income which could help poorer rural areas to develop
transpiort infrastrcutre to reduce differences in wealth
uk government plans to link london,birminghM,LEEDS AND MANCHESTER WITH NEW HIGH SPEED RAIL-hs2 Increase capacity and allow fater journeys into major cities promoting industry and jobs in poorer rural areas
lancashire city council built new road to link port to m6
regional development aim to reduce differences in wealth
eu used EDf to promote growth in poorer rural areas ny investing in small hightech businesses providing training to improve local peoples skill and funding infrastructure
common agriculture policy is an EU initiative to make sure EU farmers can earn living from farming includes training for farmers and assistance for young farmers starting up as well as subsides for rural diversification projects
half populations growth by migration
between 1970 and 82 more poeple left uk than kmoved
since 83 more pople moved to than out
how migration affects distribution
young national migrans and most internationional move to major cities as most jobs are and where universities
counterurbanisation as welathy people move out of cities to seek better qualit of life
older people move to coastal areas when retire
how migration influenc age strctrue
The large number of young migrants (20-29) increases the population in this age group.
Migration also affects the age structure of the UK by increasing the birth rate, because many migrants are of child-bearing age. Immigrants make up about 13% of the UK population, but account for about 27% of babies born.
how uk immigration policy increased diveristy
after war encoruaged immigration from commonwelath to fulfill skill shirtage
later entry restricted but work permits for migrants with desireable skills
uk has hg proportion of carribean and asian ethinicyt-10%
since 1995 eu allowed free movement of peoplewithin member countries to fins work
international migration oncreasd culturLdiverisry introduce language,art,fesoval and fashion
prinary and secondary secotrs
primary decreased as farming become more mechanised so fewer people needed and mining declined as competition abroad and cheaper alternative fuels
secondary decreased due to global shift
teritary and quaternary sector
employment inservice increa
what is happening to fdi in uk
why has globalisation increased fdi in uk
trasnport and communications links improved making easier for companies to operate in uk
london developed as global finacial centre
why has privatisation increased fdi
services previously run by uk governemnt offered to private firms
increased fdi as foreign firms can buy them/merge them
why has free trade policie increased fdi
reduce import and export restrictions making it easier for countries to trade
promoted between member contries of EU increasing fdi from eu as companies can move goods ad services freely between uk and home country
free trade agreements with other countries can attract investors to uk who want access to eurpean market and often include special agreements for investment as part fo deal
how uk economy affected by tncs
b-job created,large scale projecs built that uk governemtn can afford to py,often leead the way in developing new projects,technology and business practices that can be used by other firm to increase productivty
c-overrelaince on tnc,big effecs of choose to relocate or change suppliers,local businesses struggle to compete
global city in south east england
sited on flat floodplain of river thames
caital city and is essential part of uk economy -20% of economy
centre of uks transport sytem,major port till 1981 ans still has shipping ink,2 major international airports and 3 smaller ones ,easy acces to mainland europe through channel tunnel
major influence on surrounding area companies attracted to region
world city one of 2 most i,portant financial centres
london cbd
city of loondon
mix of new high rise office blocks and histrorical buildings
expeenive ladn so hig building density
few small parks
inner city
newham-lowclass residential,high denisty,old terraced housing,1960s-70 high rise flats and modern apartment buildings,poor environmental quality and some green space
chelsea-highclassresidential,80% houses built before 1919,expensive land so high building density,lots of large terraced housing some conveted into flats,high quality green space and most house have garden
london suburbs
subriton and kingston
middle class residential
good quality 20th century semi detached housing and shops and restaurnts
most have gsrdens
large areas of good qaulity green space
london ruralurban fringe
crockenhill,sevonaks0-high class residential ,large detahced and semi detahced hosues with garden-surrounded by countryside
thurrock-industrial and commercial,oil refineris,manufacturing,container port,lakeside
over 8.5 million
net international migration to london was 100 thusand people in 2014
young adults move to city to work and study
more births than death in city
inner city has higher rates
migrats been there for longer move out to suburbs
how migration afects charaacter of differnt pparts of city
age structrure-high percentage of young and low old
ehtnicity-ethnic diversity high in inner city areas
population-increaisng in inner ctiy areas as high immigraion and birth raes
housing-overcrowdin,live in old affordable
services-hard to provide fr demand
culture-very divers,choose to setlle with people of simlar ethnicity
london inequality
deprived areas have low quality
deprivation highest in inner city and north
poor people limtied to where they live so poor quality and close to work
pressure on services so hard to fund especially in deprives as less tax
few manafturing in city so hard to find work
poorer children send to under perfomins chool and cycle of poverty
unhealthy lifestyles
decliene of inner city and cbd
deindustrialisation and depopulation
decline of docks and manafutrin in east so mass unemployment
famolies move away as suburbanisaaiotn
as people move awya building left derelict so decrease in services
decentralisaiotn caused further decline
growth of ecommerce forced shops to shut
economic gorwth in inner city and rural urban firnge
financial and business service and tnc invetsmtnet-gorwh of finance and busienss services revitalising cbd,many tncs locate in london as financial entre
gentrification-richer moved to poorer and regentated,studetified-high student popularion
large shopping centres buil on edge of city ,industrisal areas on outskitttys,availabilit of job in rural
olympic games
london docklands
regenerated and rebranded in 80s-90 as centre for finance and business with new office space and shopping centred and hosuing developemtn
p-transport link imporved-DLR and jubilee,environment improved,bsiness attracted back,population increased and more money
n-locals forced ut,traditional businesses replaced,existin communities destoryed
strategies to make urban living more sustainable
employment-lodnon living wage-pay fair wage,skill prgramme
green spaces
transport-congetion charge,self service bikes,e buses
hosuing-bedzed developemtn sustainable community
how london and rural areas are interdependent
commute into london from rural
studants and young professionals move into london
rely on srrounding rural areas for food
rural people travel in to do shopping
good hosiptals and school
travel to coutnryised for leisure
benfits and costs of interdependen
b-business in rural increase,farmer made money,less pressure on hosuing in london
c-commute settlemtns,new hosuing estsate reduce habitar,drive-pollution
challenges for rural areas
employment deprivation
decreased number of famr workers so ahrd to find other employment
aging population mean more health
school closing as less pupils
hard to provide affordable housing
rural diversifaction
alternaitve ways of farm making money
examples of rural diversifation
farm shop-land continued to be farmed,grown using more enbiromentlal friendy method rather than for supermarkert
accomodation-carave park unsihtly,pressure on envrionemt
leuser acitivies-increaed trafifice