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All or nothing mindset
Way of thinking that classifies behaviors as either total successes or total failures.
Added sugars
Sugars that do not occur naturally in foods.
Body composition
Ratio of the various components—fat, bone, and muscle—that make up the body; influenced by genetics, eating patterns, and physical activity.
Tool used to determine whether a person’s weight is healthy for that person’s height; BMI = weight (lbs.)/height (in.)2 × 703.
Body fat distribution
Locations of fat deposits on a person’s body.
Units of energy in food
Nutrients that are the major source of energy for the body; can be found in fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy products.
Daily values
Recommended daily intake amounts for specific nutrients based on a 2,000-calorie eating plan.
Dietary fiber
Complex carbohydrate found only in plant-based foods; cannot be completely digested, but has many health benefits
Dietary guidelines for Americans
Guidelines published by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that provide recommendations for establishing eating patterns to promote health.
Substances that help the body eliminate sodium and water, mostly through increased urination; can cause a drop in weight and dangerous side effects; also called water pills.
Empty calories
Units of energy that supply few or no nutrients to the body.
Fad diets
Stylish weight-loss plans that promise significant weight loss in short periods of time, often through cutting out food groups or buying premade meals.
Fat soluble vitamins
Type of vitamin that dissolves in the body’s fats and can be stored for later use.
Nutrients, largely made up of fatty acids, that provide a valuable source of energy for muscles and help in the absorption and transport of vitamins and nutrients.
Food additives
Substances added to food products to cause desired changes to flavor, shelf life, or other reasons.
Food allergy
Condition in which the body’s immune system reacts to a food as if the food is harmful; sudden symptoms can be caused by tiny amounts of the food.
Food diary
Daily record of what a person eats; used to track eating patterns and calorie intake.
Food intolerances
Conditions in which a person’s body cannot properly digest particular types of food; can develop gradually as a person eats large quantities of a certain food frequently.
Food preferences
Opinions about different types of food; influenced by genetics, age, feelings and thoughts, cultural background, and social environment.
Food borne illnesses
Illnesses that are transmitted by food; also called food poisoning.
Food borne infection
Foodborne illness that occurs when food is handled or prepared improperly; is caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites.
Food borne intoxication
Foodborne illness caused by toxins, which are produced by organisms present in a food.
Proven by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be safe for consumption.
Living thing with genetic material that has been altered through genetic engineering.
Simple carbohydrate and the preferred source of energy for the brain and central nervous system
Form of poor nutrition in which a person does not get or properly absorb the recommended amounts of essential nutrients.
Rate at which the body uses energy to carry out basic physiological processes.
Inorganic nutrients absorbed from plants, water, and animal food sources.
Food guidance system created by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA); reminds people about the proportions of the five different food groups they should eat at a meal.
Nutrient dense foods
Foods that provide vitamins, minerals, and other substances that either contribute to adequate nutrition intake or have positive health effects; contain little or no saturated fats, added sugars, and sodium.
Chemical substances that provide the nutrition essential for growth, energy, and function.
Process of choosing and consuming food necessary for health and growth.
Nutrition facts label
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-required label on all packaged foods; contains information about serving size, number of servings, number of calories, amounts of different nutrients, and daily values for nutrients.
Condition of excess body fat or excessive overweight.
Produced without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial chemicals.
Form of malnutrition caused by consuming too many of some nutrients.
Condition of excess body weight from fat, bone, muscle, water, or a combination of these factors
Nutrient the body uses to build and maintain cells and tissues and provide energy; may also act as hormones or enzymes.
Saturated fats
Type of fat found primarily in animal-based foods; are typically solid at room temperature.
Trans fat
Type of fat historically found in many processed foods; can also occur naturally in animal-based foods.
Form of malnutrition caused by the body not receiving or absorbing needed nutrients.
Condition of a body weight that is too low compared with others of the same sex and age.
Unsaturated fats
Type of fat found in plant-based foods; are liquid at room temperature.
Organic nutrients that promote growth and development, help regulate body processes, maintain healthy skin, and help the body release energy.
Water soluble vitamins
Type of vitamin that dissolves in water; are used immediately by the body or removed during urination