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define price discrimination
when a firm charges different prices to different consumers for identical goods with no difference in costs of production
three conditions for firms to be able to price discriminate
price making ability (monopoly power.)
information to separate the market. (creating accounts. conumer information )
prevent re-sale
first degree price discrimination
consumers are charged the exact amount they are willing and able to pay.
eroding all consumer surplus
consumer surplus turned into monopoly profit
second degree price discrimination
. exces capacity pricing
hotel, airlines, trains
firms offer discounts to fill fixed costs. this is at where margional costs meet AR/D
third degree price discrimination
segments the market into consumers with different PED
a firm will reconise the different PED’s and change diff prices
two diagram asnwer, one elastic market, one inelastic
cons of price discrimination 3
allocative inefficiency. prices above margional cost
inequaliies. different conumers targated
anti, competitive pricing. lower prices to certain consumers can drve out competition
pros of price discrimination
1.dynamic efficiency, greater profits can be reinvested for RnD
economies of scale. offering lower prices
some cinsumers benefit. lower prices
cross subsidisation of loss making areas.