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hearing transduction
The process by which sound waves are converted into neural signals in the auditory system
Central Hearing Loss
Damage to the auditory cortex which causes issues with interpreting sound
Conductive Hearing Loss
Hearing loss cased by problems in the middle ear that impede sound transmission. Ossicles make sound less loud if damaged
Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Damage to hair cells in inner ear or auditory nerve, often due to aging or exposure to lous noises
External Ear
Pinnae, Auditory Canal
Funnel sound waves into ear
Middle Ear
Ossicles: anvil, hammer, stirrup
Amplify and transmit sound vibration from eardrum to inner ear
Inner ear
Cochlea, ampulla, basilar membrane, semicircular canals and saccule/utricle
Process auditory info
Filled with fluid
Sound localization
Superior Olivary Complex in brain stem
Cochlear implants
Bypass damaged hair cells and directly stimulates auditory nerve
Dorsal Root Ganglion
Cluster of nerve cell bodies that transmits sensory info from the periphery to spinal cord
Motivational System
adds emotional response to pain
Somatosensory System
Processes sensations such as touch, temp, and pain from the body
Emotional Pain Processing
Perception and regulation of pain
Involves cingulate cortex and insula
Premotor Area
movements from external stimuli and planning voluntary movement
Supplementary Area
Preplanned sequences like playing an instrument
Motor Cortex Damage
leads to weakness/paralysis in voluntary movements
Basal Ganglia Damage
Can result in involuntary movement disorders
5 Tastes
Sweet, savory, umami, salty, sour
Regeneration of Olfactory Receptors
Regenerate regularly
Olfactory Pathway
Smell info from nose to the olfactory bulb to then the prefrontal cortex and amygdala
Central region of the retina, responsible for sharp central vision and color perception
detect dim light
specialized for night vision
detect color and bright light
Visual Pathway
Retina —> optic nerve —> optic chiasm —> LGN —> primary visual cortex
thalamic relay nucleus for visual pathways, processing and conveying visual info to the primary visual cortex
On-center/Off Surround
center light excites, surround light inhibits
Center light inhibits, surround light inhibits