Biped human ancestors
Cyrus The Great
Sent Jews to Jerusalem
Persian empire king
Rosetta Stone
What allowed for hieroglyphics to be interpreted
Phoenician city that was a major trade port and empire later on
What Egyptian god lets in the souls
What religion is based on good and evil and was monotheistic
It was in the Persian empire
What was the name of the Australopithecus that was first discovered
It was female
Gobekli Teppe
What site changed the way we think about civilizations
Which Egyptian pharaoh tried to start monotheism in Egypt
Old Kingdom
What kingdom completed the pyramids and sphinx
Middle Kingdom
What kingdom had stability and reunited upper and lower Egypt
Old Kingdom
What kingdom first united upper and lower Egypt
New Kingdom
What kingdom pursued political gain and became most powerful ancient Eastern state by taking Nubia, Canaan, and Phoenicia
Old stone
What does Paleolithic age mean
New Stone
What does Neolithic mean
Near East, Southern Asia, Western Africa, Americas
Where did the agricultural revolution start independently
It’s four places
Society dominated by men
What is a patriarchy
Head too big for pelvis causing problems in reproduction
Why did the Australopithecus fail and not survive like Homo sapiens Sapiens
Population growth, inequality, reliance on crop, storage, disease, and dead zones due to use
What are the consequences of sedentism
Mediterranean Sea
What sea does the Nile open up to
Picture the map of Persia
Barriers like deserts, cataracts, and sea
Why did Egypt go so long without invasion
Who decided the Egyptian kingdoms
Who was the king of the Old Kingdom when it began
He united upper and lower Egypt and chose Memphis as capital
What is the principle of order, truth, justice, in Egypt
Amenemhet I
Who founded Middle Kingdom of Egypt
He reunited upper and lower Egypt after a break up
What is the spirit in Egyptian religion called
What is Egyptian writing called
Amhose I
Who founded the Egyptian Empire and the New Kingdom
He conquered Nubia, Canaan, and Phoenicia
Who lost Egypt’s control over Syria and Canaan
Who gained back Canaan for the Egyptians
He lead well governmentally
After his death, the Egyptians became weak and were conquered by others
What civilization treated women with more respect than some other civilizations
They could own businesses, be priestesses, and own property and gain inheritance
Hatshepsut was a main leader and a woman
Eridu, Ur, Uruk, Umma, Lagash
What are the main city states of Sumer
What is a stepped temple with a god at the top in Mesopotamia
What is a government based on religion
What job did most people have in the ancient times
What continent did humans originate from
Who is the large Akkadian leader who took over Sumer
Hammurabi, or Babylon
Who conquered Sumer after Akkadians
Code of Hammurabi
A set of 282 laws that inflict strict justice for crimes
What was the Code of Hammurabi written in
Enuma elish
What is the Babylonian myth that talks about the creation of the universe
An, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursaga
Name one (or more) Sumerian gods
(Think back to Epic of Gilgamesh)
Sumerian culture
Who wrote the Epic of Gilgamesh
Who wrote the Torah
Wedge shaped
They used reeds
What does Cuneiform mean
What is the capital of Israel
Who sent the Hebrews to make a diaspora first
Chaldeans, or Neo-Babylonians
Who sent the Hebrews to Babylon
Babylonians such as Hammurabi
Who came first: Chaldeans or Babylonians
Who are holy men sent by God who can hear Him in the Hebrew religion
Who are along the Mediterranean coast
Byblos, Tyre, Sidon
Name one (or more) Phoenician city
Purple dye, glass, wine, lumber
Name one (or more) thing the Phoenicians traded on the Mediterranean
Who created the alphabet
Who set up a Mesopotamian library
What Assyrian king faced many rebellions
Does Assyrians use local government to keeps city-states in check
What civilization was very aggressive and used terror to win
What, aggressive, civilization didn’t fear to mix with other cultures
Who rebelled against the Babylonians and created an empire there, defeating Egypt, Syria, Canaan, Judah, and Jerusalem
What, not the biggest empire but not small, empire was very grand with great ag, trade, and industries
Persian empire
What was the largest empire in ancient times with percentage of humans
What is a city state called in Persia
Book of Dead
What is the book that Egyptians used to get to the after life
What is the part of the Bible with Noah’s ark
Epic of Gilgamesh
What religious story starred the king of Uruk
Epic of Gilgamesh Flood Story
What story showcased Utanapishtim
Writing cuneiform and ziggurats
What is the biggest Sumerian achievement
First known empire and Akkadian language spread
What is the biggest Akkadian achievement
Code of Hammurabi (achievement)
What is the biggest achievement of the Babylonians
Terror tactics and engineering
What is the biggest achievement of Assyrians
What is the biggest achievement for the Phoenicians
Monotheism and Torah
What is the biggest achievement for the Hebrews
Hanging Gardens of Babylon and revival of Babylonians
What is the biggest achievement for the Chaldeans
Persian Empire size and innovations (satrapies, Royal Road, postal, floating bridge, canal building)
What is the biggest achievement for the Persians
Tigris and Euphrates
Where is Sumeria located in relation to two rivers, name them
What signifies “land between two rivers”
Multiple cultures
Why do people sometimes believe Assyrians were the first empire
Cultures were too similar
Although Akkadians are believed to be the first empire, some believe not, why?
Tigris Euphrates River Valley floods… regularly or irregularly?
Nile river floods… regularly or irregularly?
Nebuchadnezzar II
What king of the Chaldeans sent the Hebrews to Babylon
God is all powerful is what Omni?
What Omni is when god is everywhere?
What Omni is god all knowing
Cyrus The Great
This king granted religious freedoms, right for women to work for pay, right to speak the language of choice, OUTLAWED SLAVERY
A governor of a province in ancient Persia
Who originated the religion of Zoroastrianism
What religion was about the cosmos struggle between good and evil, was monotheistic, and worshipped elements of nature
Historical context
What is the setting and circumstances in which history is written or an event occurs. Seeing history through eyes or an ancient person
Democratization of after life
This Middle Kingdom accomplishment allowed all people to go to the afterlife, even the poor
New Kingdom
King Tuts kingdom with the height of its power
Intermediate periods
Times when Egypt was not united under a pharaoh and was not a time of prosperity
Plum bob
Used to get a level surface and align pyramids to stars
The studying of entrails of sacrificed animals to predict the future
Tools used to build the pyramids
Copper chisels, ramps, and sleds are all…
Sahara desert
Desert next to the Egyptian civilization
Red Sea
Sea to the east of Egypt
Mediterranean Sea
Sea to north of Egypt