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What is Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)?
FBLA is a non-profit organization for middle and high school students participating in business education, designed to enhance leadership development and competitive experience.
What is the primary purpose of FBLA?
To provide additional opportunities for secondary students in business education to develop vocational and career competencies and promote civic and personal responsibility.
What does the FBLA Pledge emphasize?
The FBLA Pledge emphasizes the commitment to uphold the organization's aims and develop qualities necessary to become a responsible business leader.
What does the FBLA Creed state about education?
The FBLA Creed states that education is the right of every person.
List one goal of FBLA.
One goal of FBLA is to develop competent, aggressive business leadership.
What significant event happened in 1948 in the history of Florida FBLA?
Hillsborough High School in Tampa organized the first local chapter of FBLA.
What change occurred in the sponsorship of Florida FBLA in 1993?
The Florida FBLA-PBL Association and Foundation, Inc. was founded, and it was no longer sponsored by the Florida Department of Education.
What was established in 2001 concerning Florida FBLA?
The Florida FBLA-PBL Association and Foundation, Inc. was renamed to Florida FBLA-PBL Association, Inc., and a separate foundation was formed.
What event did Florida FBLA-PBL host in 2020?
Florida FBLA-PBL hosted a virtual state leadership conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
What does FBLA encourage members to do regarding individual projects?
FBLA encourages members to develop individual projects that contribute to the improvement of home, business, and community.