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a relatively permanent change in behavior
classical conditioning
teaching a reflex by pairing with something that already causes that reflex
Ivan Pavlov
key researcher on classical conditioning; studied salvation in dogs
Unconditioned response (UR)
a naturally occurring reflex(for example, a sour face from a lemon)
conditioned response (CR)
a learned response or reflex(Example a sour face from the word conditioning
Unconditioned stimulus(US)
something that naturally causes a reflex(for example, lemon flavor)
conditioned stimulus(CS)
something that comes to cause a reflex after pairing (for example, the word conditioning)
the process of learning a reflex through pairing
the disappearance of a response after the pairing stops
spontaneous recovery
the sudden reappearance of an extinct response
the tendency to respond to a similar stimuli
the ability to distinguish between two stimuli
operant conditioning
the process of encouraging a behavior with a reinforcer and discouraging it with a punisher
B.F. Skinner
key researcher on operant conditioning
operant chamber (skinner box)
an environmentally controlled cage used in operant conditioning research
always encourages a behavior regardless of whether a behavior is morally good or bad
reinforcing through a series of steps until the final behavior is reached
positive reinforcement
giving something pleasant to encourage a behavior
negative reinforcement
taking away something unpleasant to encourage a behavior(for example no more tests if everyone does well)
positive punishment
giving something unpleasant to discourage a behavior
negative punishment
taking away something to discourage behavior
primary enforcer
something you enjoy right away
conditioned reinforcer
something you can store up to use later for a primary reinforcer
continuous reinforcement
reinforcing a desired response every time it happens
partial reinforcement
reinforcing a response only a part of the time
fixed-ratio schedule
reinforcing a response after a random number of responses
variable-ratio schedule
reinforcing a response after a random number of responses
fixed-interval schedule
reinforcing a response after a scheduled amount of time has passed
variable-interval schedule
reinforcing a response after a random amount of time has passed
a branch of science that studies behavior objectively and without regard to mental processes
latent learning
learning that you store to use later
intrinsic motivation
an internal desire to do something
extrinsic motivation
a desire to do something to get an external award or to avoid punishment
observational learning
learning by watching others
intimidating others by watching them
mirror neurons
neurons that fire not only when we do something but when we watch someone else do it