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prince henry the navigator
first european monarch to sponsor an all water route East.
bartholomew diaz
sailed around the tip of africa, the cape of good hope
vasco da gama
sailed much farther East, lands in India. Claims India as part of the Empire of Portugal. Vital step in expanding even more East.
where did the portuguese expand?
africa and india
portuguese in southeast and east asia
-to ensure control of trade, the Portuguese had constructed militaristic forts all along the coast of Africa, in India and various parts of Southeast Asia.
-many believed it was their Christian duty to find and convert people
-jesuits had more success with the elite and scholar gentry
matteo ricci
portuguese jesuit who has extreme amounts of success in southeast asia
afonso de albuquerque
wins a battle with Arab traders and sets up Malacca, former governor of portuguese India
christopher columbus
-european explorers start to think of new routes to asia to gain all these new riches.
-1492, columbus gets commissioned by the King and Queen of Spain to find a new route to India.
ferdinand magellan
-first to circumnavigate the globe
-dies on voyaged in the Philippians but when the fleet returns it proves that it can be done.
-annex Philippians for the Spanish
-manilla becomes the Spanish commercial center
hernando cortez
-leads the conquistadores from Spain into Tenochtitlan.
-the immune systems and the superior Spanish weapons are no match for the Aztecs, as well as alliances made with neighboring tribes (aztecs lose)
-the spanish now have their eyes set on the new riches the Americas offer
the Aztec Emperor, was killed while in custody of the Spanish. killed by his own people
francisco pizzaro
conquest of the Inca Empire was made possible by the instability caused by a recent Inca civil war and by Spanish cannon and steel swords.
the final Inca emperor, tried to fight off the Spanish, but similar to the Aztecs, the guns and germs were no match.
treaty of tordesillas
between spanish and portuguese, they divided the world between them along a line drawn down the center of the North Atlantic. tried to create a new balance of power in the world.
china in new world trade
-an enthusiastic consumer of silver from the New World.
-silver made its way from the Americas to China in heavily armed Spanish ships known as galleons.
east india company
one of the many joint stock companies that revolutionize the way merchants and empires conduct business
joint stock company
company whose stock is owned jointly by the shareholders.
northwest passage
The French, British and Dutch all looked for a route through or around North America that would lead to Asia.
french exploration
-explorer Jacques Cartier sails across the Atlantic into the St. Lawrence River (modern northern US border) Claims Canada for France.
-thought they would find gold like the Spanish did, instead they find furs and other natural resources.
-French traders establish the trading outpost Quebec.
-The French rarely made any permanent settlements hence why they had a lot less people then New Spain or New England
english exploration
-john cabot is the first English explorer sent to America to look for a Northwest Passage.
-cabot claims Newfoundland all the way South to the Chesapeake Bay.
-james cook sailed around South America into the Pacific and explored the world.
-1607 around 100 English colonist travel across the Atlantic and build a settlement called Jamestown on the James River.
dutch exploration
-henry hudson explores the East coast of North America. Sails up the Hudson river to see if it leads to Asia.
-dutch claim the island of Manhattan and the Hudson River Valley and call it New Amsterdam.