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Do not park __ feet of a crosswalk at an intersection
20 feet
Do not park __ feet of a traffic signal, stop sign, or yield sign
30 feet
Do not park __ feet of a pedestrian safety zone.
30 feet
Do not park __ feet of a railroad crossing
50 feet
Do not park more than __ inches from the curb
18 inches
Do not park __ feet of a fire station driveway on the same side of the street, or street where proper signs are posted.
20 feet
Do not park
Do not block a driveway, alley, private road, or area of the curb removed or lowered for access to he sidewalk.
Do not park
On a bridge, orverpass, tunnel or underpass
Along a lone of opposing traffic
Designated handicapped zone without proper tag
Do not park
Along the steet or highway next to another parked vehicle (double parking)
On the railroad tracks
Where signs indicate no parking zones.
Do not park
Red curbs (Fire Zone)
Yellow curb (Loading zone / or other restriction)
A stopped law enforcement vehicle with its lights on requires you to mover over or you could be fined up to
$1,000 jail time or both
Also you could have your driver's licensced suspended for up to 6 months.
Or community service
You are not required to stop for a stopped school bus with red lights flashing if
the school bus is approaching along an opposite lane of travel separated by a median 20 feet or more in width. In all other circumstances YOU MUST STOP!
Drivers passing a stopped school bus with red lights flashing upon conviction will be charged
as a Class A misdemeanor and a fine minimum of 500 not over $2500, up to one year in jail or both. If you cause the death of someone like this you will be charged as a felony.
If you are parking on a hill
Turn the wheels sharply away from the traffic to prevent the car from rolling into traffic.
Anyone illegally using another person's special certificate has committed fraud and could be found guilty of a
Class A misdemeanor. A minimum of $100 not over $500
Second offesense is a minimum of $250 not over $1000 plus a 6 month driver's license suspension
Three different types of distraction
Visual, Manual and Cognitive
In order to avoid last minute braking or the need to turn suddenly, you should look down the road at least
1 city block / 15 seconds ahead
When to use high beams / Low beams
Dim your high beams whenever you come within 500 feet of an oncoming vehicle and use your low beams when following another vehicle for closer than 200 feet.
Use your low beams when driving in fog, snow or heavy rain.
When approaching a vehicle that still has its highbeams on
flash your high beams a couple of time to get them to turn theirs off.
At nigh incase of a breakdown you should
put emergency flashers 200 and 300 feet from the rear of your vehicle.
Turn on your signal light __ feet before your turn
100 feet
On a wet road you should reduce your speed by
10 mph
On a packed snow road you should
cut your speed in half
If your going 55 mph you should stop at
225 feet
If you are going 65 mph it would take you __ feet to stop
316 feet
If you begin to hydroplan you should
take your feet off the gas pedal, keep straight and do not try to stop untill your tires begin to grip again.
At 40 mph it can take a vehicle __ feet to stop
124 feet
Use the __ rule to deterime if you are following a vehicle to close
2 second rule
When merging with other traffic you need a gap of about __. When changing lanes, entering a roadway or merging with another travel lane you should keep this rule.
4 seconds
At 55 mph you need about __ seconds to pass
10 seconds
At 55mph you and your oncoming vehicle will travel over 800 feet in __ seconds this means you need __ to pass safely
10 seconds / 1600 feet or 1/3 of a mile to safely pass.
You should be able to see at least __ when approaching a hill
1/3 mile or 10 seconds
Add a extra __ feet when it comes to trailers stopping
100 feet
A car cab disappear from view; up to feet in fron of the trailor cab on either side and up to feet in the rear of the truck.
20 feet and 200 feet
Alchol takes __ to reach the brain
15 to 40 minutes
The first ability to be impaired by alcohol is
your judgment
How many drinks does it take to effect your driving ability
The percentage of alcohol content in your blood can have your charged if its __
between 0.04 and 0.08
You could be found guilty of alcohol violation and it is your first convicition it will be fined from __ to __ .
$150 to $1000
Underage ( below 21) drinking alcohol concentraion cannot exceed __ or you wll be arrested
For most unwanted instances with your vehicle remeber to
Keep a strong hold of the steering wheel. Shift to neutral. Pull of the road when safe to do so.