Barrera- Winter 202
Nominal scale of measurement
Categories that have no inherent order
categories are just labels
there is no inherent order to the categories
Ordinal scale of measurement
Categories that have an order
the difference between each category is not equivalent
simply depict the order of variables and not the difference between each of the variables. These scales are generally used to depict non-mathematical ideas such as frequency, satisfaction, happiness, a degree of pain etc. It is quite straightforward to remember the implementation of this scale as 'Ordinal' sounds similar to 'Order', which is exactly the purpose of this scale.
Interval scale of measurement
Categories(units) that are ordered and each is equivalent in size
no true zero (true zero = absence of what is being measured)
Ratio scale of measurement
Ordered, equivalent categories (units) with a true zero
Likert Scale
A special type of interval ratings scale; carefully worded, equivalent intervals, middle value is a middle response, treated as interval data
Descriptive statistics
statistical procedures used to describe data and can be used to make inferences
central tendency
Central tedency
the average value of the data
how close spread out the data is
The score that occurs most frequently in a distribution.
The middle point (50% of scores are above and 50% are below the median)
the arithmetic average of a distribution, obtained by adding the scores and then dividing by the number of scores
the number of possible scores in a dataset
tells you how spread out the data are but not how they are distributed
Standard Deviation
the average distance a score falls from the mean
tells you about the spread and distribution of the data
σ^2 or s^2, a measurement of the spread between numbers in a data set
68-95-99.7 rule
in a normal model, about 68% of values fall within 1 standard deviation of the mean, about 95% fall within 2 standard deviations of the mean, and about 99.7% fall within 3 standard deviations of the mean
the relationship between variables
the relationship between an outcome variable (DV) and one or more predictor variables (IVs) for that outcome
technically an IV is a variable that is manipulated by the researchers but it is common for people to treat non-manipulated variables (eg subject variables)
Positive Correlation
as x increases, y increases
Negative Correlation
as x increases, y decreases
figures used to visualize the relationship between two variables
each point indicates the x- and y-value of an observation
Correlation coefficient
Measures how strong the data fits a linear pattern, ranging from -1 to 1
the polarity (+/-) indicates if it's a positive or negative relationship
the value indicates how strong the relationship is
the scale of measurement determine the statistical test (and what is it called)
Pearson's r for interval and ratio data
Spearman's p for ordinal data
Bivariate Correlations
correlations between 2 values
correlational coefficient: Pearson's r or Spearman's p (rho)
= range from -1 to +1
Multivariate correlations
correlations between more than 2 values
correlational coefficient: R
= ranges from 0 to 1 (0 means no correlation, 1 means perfect correlation)
statistical techniques for understanding how. changes in the IV (x) influence the DV (y)
Simple Linear Regression
Predicts y (the DV) based on a linear relationship to x (the IV)
Multiple linear regression (multivariate regressions)
Predicts y based on the relative contributions of each x (each IV)
y = a + bx1 + bx2 + bxn
Nonlinear regressions
Predicts relationships based on curves rather than a single line
Error(error variance)
the amount an observation differs from its expected value. The expected value is based on the population
Fixed variables
assumed to be measured without error; the values is one study are the same as the values of another study
Random Variables
values that depend on outcomes of random phenomenon (they have error associated with them); will differ between samples and studies
Comparing Groups
(differences between groups)/(difference within groups) = (effect of iv + error variance)/(error variance)
a characteristic of a population
Parametric tests
used if the DV is interval or ratio data and the data is normally distributed - called parametric bc there is an assumption about the distribution of the parameter (ie the DV)
Non-parametric tests
used if the DV is nominal or ordinal, or if the data is not normally distributed
they are called non-parametric bc there is no assumption about the distribution of the parameter
uses chi square test x^2
common test for comparing groups
a parametric test that is used when there are only two groups being compared
Chi-square test
A significance test(non-parametric test) used to determine if a linear relationship exists between two variables measured on interval or ratio scales.
Modalities of Measurement
self-report, physiological, behavioral
a method in which people provide subjective information about their own thoughts, feelings, or behaviors, typically via surveys, questionnaire or interview
Pros and Cons of Self-Report
Pros: direct, fast, easy; sound reasonable(high face validity)
Cons: distortions; socially-desirable responding
Physiological Measurements
involves monitoring a respondent's involuntary responses to marketing stimuli via the use the following: single
single-unit recordings, EEG, ERP, fMRI, EMG, EDA, HRV, eye-tracking
Pros and Cons Of Physiological Measurements
Pros: Objective measurements
Cons: equipment might be expensive, equipment might be disruptive to natural behavior, mapping to constructs
Single unit (single cell) recordings
•Place small electrode outside of the neuron. It records sudden voltage changes(when the neuron fires an action potential)
•Great spatial resolution
•Great temporal resolution
•Can (mostly) only be done with animals
Electroencephalography (EEG) & event-related brain potentials (ERP)
•Record electrical activity at the scalp: brainwaves (synchronized and summed postsynaptic pyramidal cell activity)
•Direct measure of brain activity
•High temporal resolution
•Poor spatial resolution
•Different neural oscillations (EEG) are associated with different activities (e.g., delta waves & deep sleep)
•Different ERP components associated with cognitive processes (e.g., N400 and semantic retrieval)
•Good for addressing questions about timing and neural processes but not locations
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)
•Indirect measure of brain activity
•Assumes changes in blood flow index
changes in neural activity
•BOLD (Blood Oxygen Level Dependent contrast)
•High spatial resolution
•Poor temporal resolution
•Good for addressing questions about where brain activity differs
Pros and Cons of Behavioral Measurements
Pros: Generally inexpensive and easy to administer; Many have a long history of use
Cons: Some behaviors can be difficult to elicit
Correlational studies
Explore the relationship between variables but no variable is manipulated by the experimenter
doesn't provide causal information
Pilot Studies
short runs of the experiment where you check forpotential problems so that you can fix them
Measures of Dispersion
used to indicate how spread out the data is
standard deviation
normal distribution
a mean of zero and follows the 68-95-99.7 rule
Pearson's r
for interval and ratio data
Spearman's p (rho)
for ordinal data
correlation doesn't always imply causation
regressions can be used to address questions about predictability and causal inference
although regressions can be used to test causality, using a regression does not entail that causal relationships are being tested
Correlation vs. Regression
From correlation we can only get an index describing the linear relationship between two variables; in regression we can predict the relationship between more than two variables and can use it to identify which variables x can predict the outcome variable y.
Comparing Variability
when comparing groups, you want to know if the variability (error) within a group is smaller than the variability (error) between groups
comparing the variability within and between groups in your sample is the basis for making inferences about the population
Response Time
Mental chronometry
assumes that longer RTs are associated with additional information processing
Many processes are involved in making a response
conceptual (representational, semantic, etc)
Subject Variable
an experience or characteristic of a research participant that is not of primary interest but nonetheless may influence study results and thus must be accounted for during experimentation or data analysis. Examples include age, marital status, religious affiliation, and intelligence