Damage: consumers can get ___ for any ___/___ caused by the failure of the good/service, IF it was ___ ___ to result from the failure
compensation, loss/damage, reasonably foreseeable
Reasonably foreseeable should relate to the ___ & ___ ___ of the product
intended, common usage
Failure to remedy, step 1: talk to the ___
Failure to remedy, step 2: contact the business’ ___ ___ if possible
head office
Failure to remedy, step 3: keep ___ & ___ of any discussions with the business
notes, records
Failure to remedy, step 4: get a ___ ___ on the fault from another business
second opinion
Failure to remedy, step 5: write a letter to the business describing: the p___, the r___, why you think you are e___ to this
problem, remedy, entilted