intermittent mist
cools the atmosphere and covers leaf surface to reduce plant/seed water loss
how does misting reduce leaf transpiration
reduction in leaf temperature and maintains high humidity conditions at the leaf surface
dry fog size
10-20 microns
wet fog size
20-30 microns
mist size
30-60 microns
spray size
60 microns
how do small orifice nozzles work
liquid is forced through tiny orifice at high pressure breaking it up into small droplets
how do impingement/deflection type nozzles work
solid stream of fluid hits pin and breaks the fluid into fine droplets where it then disperses
misty mist
deflection; volume rated at .17 gallons per minute at 36 psi and .22 gallons at 73 psi - 6ft spray pattern
pin perfect
deflection; .80-1.27 gallons per minute depending on pressure, 10 ft spray pattern
deflection; most efficient at 40-50 psi
electronic leaf with electrode
as water evaporates sensor switches to open position triggering irrigation
electronic leaf with balance
water weights leaf down which triggers sensors turning off solenoid, water evaporates and activates solenoid triggering irrigation
static timer
timers set manually to run for predetermined amount of time
Pb/bulk density
dry weight of substrate per unit of volume in g/cm3
total porosity/E
water added to substrate/total container volume x 100
Pv / volumetric moisture content
percent total porosity - percent air space = percent water holding capacity
Ea / air filled porosity
drained water/total container volume x 100
where do you apply auxin on plant
basal 1/4 to 1/2 in - dilute soak basal 1 in
how long to liquid quick dip
5-15 seconds
softwood/herbaceous iba concentration
500-1,250 ppm
semi-hardwood iba dip ppm
1,000-5,000 ppm
hardwood iba dip ppm
1,000-5,000 ppm
hormodin 1 ppm
1,000 ppm
hormodin 2 ppm
3,000 ppm
hormodin 3 ppm
8,000 ppm
how far to space cuttings
nodal cut
basal cut below node - helps prevent fungal rot and increases root production
internodal cut
reduces fungal growth in wide pithed or hollow pithed species
herbaceous cuttings
3-5in but can vary depending on species - cut basal end at an angle, keep foliage off substrate and keep wet
terminal cutting
contains a terminal bud (top of plant)
medial cutting
no terminal bud
single eye cutting
alternate leafed plant
double-eye cutting
opposite leaf plant
split node cutting
splitting of the node on an opposite leaf plant
higher pressure results in
smaller droplet size
most efficient height of mist nozzle
most efficient nozzle head
pin perfect
percent porosity bmp
percent air space bmp
water holding capacity bmp
sand had
too little air space and too much water holding
best rooting medium
promix or verm