#1-17 = chapter 6 (public opinion) // #18-27 = chapter 7 (media) // #27-50 = chapter 8 (political parties) // #50-67 = chapter 10 (interest groups) //// should cover units 4 and 5!!!
public opinion
The distribution of a society’s beliefs about politics & policy issues
The science of how human population changes
Decennial process that allows for studying demographic changes in the United States
melting pot
Term used to characterize the United States’ diverse history of immigrating & mixing cultures/ideas
minority majority
Situation where a majority (such as non-Hispanic white people) ends up representing a minority of the population
political culture
The overall set of values widely shared within a society
Process of reallocating representative seats within states based on the census to reflect each state’s population
political socialization
Process where an individual determines their political views & opinions through social influences such as family, friends, & media
A small portion of people who are chosen to be surveyed, representative of the whole population
random sampling
Techniue which gives everyone in the population an equal chance to be selected in the sample, allowing the sample to be properly representative of the population
sampling error
The confidence level in (public opinion) polls, depending on sample size & described by an interval ±x%
random-digit dialing
Method of random sampling where random phone numbers are dialed for interview
exit poll
Public opinion surveys which are conducted after someone votes in an election to quickly predict electoral winners
political ideology
a coherent set of beliefs about various aspects of politics & public policy
political participation
Any activity that is accomplished by a citizen(s) that influences political leadership and/or its policies
Type of assembly that uses drama & vivid imagery to catch the nation’s attention in an attempt to change policy
civil disobedience
Form of protest, specifically against a law that is seen by its participants as unjust
high-tech politics
Type of politics where the behavior of individuals, policymakers, & policy media are shaped by technology
mass media
Popular communication, such as TV, radio, newspapers, social media, & the internet
media event
Events that are staged solely for the media to cover, and would have little to no significant impact without the media there
press conferences
Meeting between a government or public official & news reporters
investigative journalism
Type of reporting which attempts to uncover scandals, scams, & schemes; may involve reports pitting themselves against govt officials
Media programming that is aimed at a particular audience & covers a particular interest; contrasts broadcasting
selective exposure
Process where people consciously choose to get the news from sources with viewpoints similar to their own
Groups of newspapers published by a media corporation which owns multiple businesses; accounts for majority of nation’s daily papers
Specific locations where news often originates from, such as Congress
trial balloons
Intentional news leaks for the purpose of assessing the political reaction to them
party competition
The conflict between parties for control for public offices; the ups & downs of major parties are a crucial element in American politics
political party
Organization that works to gain govt office, promoting & establishing the policies it believes in
linkage institutions
How people are connected with govt’s policy agenda (media, interest groups, political parties, public opinion)
rational-choice theory
Theory assuming that individuals act in their best interest, carefully weighing the costs & benefits of possible alternatives
party image
The voters’ perception of what a political party stands for
party identification
Concept where individuals align with and platform the party that matches their beliefs
ticket splitting
When someone votes with one party for one office and the other party for another office; common w/ independents who vote based on the person rather than the party
party machines
Type of political party organization which relies on material persuasions & rewards, such as patronage, to win votes & to govern
Job, promotion, or contract which is given for political reasons rather than by a merit system; used as a reward within party machines
closed primaries
election where only registered party members can vote for their party’s candidate
open primaries
elections where voters can decide on whether they want to vote in the democratic or republican primary election
national party convention
The meeting of a party’s delegates every 4 years to nominate the party’s candidates for POTUS & VP and write the party’s platforms
national committee
Institution which keeps the party operating between conventions
national chairperson
The person responsible for day to day activities of a political party
group of individuals with a common interest; backbone of every party
critical election
Time where new issues emerge, new coalitions replace old ones, and where the majority party may be displaced by the minority party over time; sometimes marked by national crisis
party realignment
a set of large changes, or a displacement, of a political party; often happens during a critical election period
party dealignment
The disengagement of people from a political party
third parties
Electoral contenders other than the 2 major parties; rarely win elections
winner-take-all system
Electoral system where seats are only rewarded to whatever party gets the most votes in a state
proportional representation
electoral system that awards legislative seats to political parties proportionately to the number of votes every party won in an election; used in most of Europe
coalition government
When multiple parties join together to form a majority in national legislature; common in Europe
responsible party model
Belief that parties should be clear & concise in their plans & programs for governing the nation; party in office is held responsible for keeping these promises & their performance
interest group
organization which specializes in representing a certain (type of) policy; endorses political parties & lobbies govt officials
Theory that the activities of interest groups harnesses equal representation for everyone
Theory that only a few wealthy groups/corporations hold all the power (in policy)
Theory that the interest group system is uncontrollable due to the sheer amount of interests that must be satisfied
iron triangle
relationship developed between interest groups lobbyists, government agencies, & congressional (sub)committees based around their self-interests over a policy
potential group
All the people who might be members of an interest group because they share a common interest
actual group
The people in a potential group who actually join the interest group in question
collective good
Goal which does not specifically benefit an interest group/organization & its members; cannot be withheld from a potential group member
free-rider problem
The problem of people not joining a group because they can benefit from the group’s activities without joining it
selective benefits
Goods & benefits that a group can restrict to those who actually join a group, mitigating free riders
single-issue group
Interest groups with a narrow interest; tend to oppose compromise & attract members that are newer to politics
Communication directed to a governmental decision maker in hopes of influencing their decision (on policy)
Direct group involvement in the election/electoral process, including aiding candidates financially & supporting them w/ group members
political action committees (PACs)**
Groups who partake in electioneering, funneling money openly to their supporter’s campaigns (w/ limits)
union shop
Provision established by unions requiring employees to join a union to hold their job
right-to-work laws
State laws which forbid union shops
public interest lobbies
Organizations with seek a collective good