World Chapter 13, Era 1

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Sui Dynasty (589-618): how was the sui dynasty established

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Sui Dynasty (589-618): how was the sui dynasty established

the sui emporer Yang Jian imposed a strong centralized rule similar to qin haungdi, by doing this he had a strong military and ended up cotnrollling all of china

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Sui Dynasty (589-618): what was the grand canal

the grand canal was created by the second sui emporer; Sui Yangdi, and was a series of artificial waterways created to link trade between the north and south of china (since rivers flow east to west), this ended up providing economic, political, and social unity for china as they traded inside the empire

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Sui Dynasty (589-618): what led to the end of the sui dynasty

due to sui yangdis large construction projects, harsh taxes and forced labor was enforced causing people to revolt and ended up assassinating him, and chang’an proclamed himslef emporer

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Tang Dynasty (618-907): who was tang taizong and what 4 things did he do

he was a confucian ruler who was ruthless to get the throne but once in power set a stable form of government, built the capital at chang’an, got rid of rebels and lowered tax rates

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Tang Dynasty (618-907): what three policies were used in sui and then applies better in tang for early sucsses

transport sytems (helped unite all areas of the empire), land distribution/equal field system (alloted land to families needs which helped with social problems, eventually failed because of population growth, bribes, and large plots of land taken by monastaries), and a merit based bureaucracy (this system took canidates from the confucian educational system which were originally aristocrats but expanded to all ranks once education became wide spread)

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Tang Dynasty (618-907): how did the tang expand so raipdly

their military was very string which allowed them to conquer most of eastern asia

<p>their military was very string which allowed them to conquer most of eastern asia</p>
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Tang Dynasty (618-907): how did china institute strong relationships with the kingdoms around them

they were known as the middle kingdom and the chinese emporers were other kingdoms overlords. tributary states would deliver gifts and perform kowtow to chinese emporers. in return they recieved aauthoriuty and gifts

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Tang Dynasty (618-907): what was invented when their was a shortage of copper coins

since trade greww so quickly a system of flying cash was invented which is now known as check

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Tang Dynasty (618-907): what was used as an alternative form of currency

paper cash which in turn was granted with a note that could redeem merchandise, however this led to some dishonesty and even led to riotting. eventually to limit the amount of paper money made it was a rule that only the government could print money. however the government unknowingly printed too much money causing a hyperinflation that wasnt solved until the qing dynasty

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Tang Dynasty (618-907): why did patriarchal society grow in the tang and song

confucianism was more popular during these dynasties

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Tang Dynasty (618-907): what was foot binding and why was it bad for women

foot binding was the process of tightly wrapping young girls feet to “enhance their attractivness” however similarly to wearing viels in muslim country this put women more so in the reliance of men as their foot became weak

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Tang Dynasty (618-907): who was wu zhao

she emerged as emporess after tang taizong and initailly faced backlash becuase of patriarchal confusion thought. she strengthed the civil service exam and undercut aristocrats who rebelled against her

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Tang Dynasty (618-907): who was li bai

he was a poet who typically wrote about the bustling life of chinese cities, especially the capital hangzhou

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Tang Dynasty (618-907): how was printing made

the first type of printing was block printing in the sui dynasty, bu it wasnt until tang that movable printing was made, and it wasnt until the song dynasty that printed works were spread throughout china

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Tang Dynasty (618-907): what was chinese naval technology

during the sui naval exploration did expand past the eastern coast but by tang times ecplorers went to southeast asia through the indian ocean and by song times naval boats were much more advanced with sails, iron, rudders, and compasses

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Tang Dynasty (618-907): what is porcelain

porcealin is a lighter version of pottery that was made in tang when food was abundant. porcealin was traded throughout all of europe and africa and became a staple to china now known as chinaware

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Tang Dynasty (618-907): how was gun powder made and used

gunpowder was made by daoist chemists who werre trying to prolong life. military officials used it to make a loud sound in war but it wasnt until it spread to eurasia that it was developed in firearms

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Tang Dynasty (618-907): what was metallurgy in tang and song

mettalurgy was used to make iron tools which were utilized for farming and construction. the knowledge of metallurgy also became so widespread that song armies had difficulties in war because nomadic people learned their techniques

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Tang Dynasty (618-907): why did the tang dynasty fall

careless leader left the dynasty vulnerable to rebellion and both capital were taken which left tang very weak. tang people invited uighers (nomadic turkish people) to help with the rebellion but in return the turkish sacked both capitals. the tang never regained control and eventually regional rebellions gained greater power and led to the end of the dynasty

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Tang Dynasty (618-907): who was haung cho

he was a revolt leader in eastern china who distributed wealth from the rich to the poor

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Song Dynasty (960-1279): who was song taizu

he was a strong military leader who used his army to bring china under his control. he also began a strong government with all government officials being servents to the government. he also widened confucian education allowing more workers into the bureaucracy

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Song Dynasty (960-1279): how did sui and tang armies benifit agriculture for future dynasties?

they found fast grwoing rice (champa rice) in vietnam and southern china

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Song Dynasty (960-1279): what new agricultural techniques were utilized and what aspect of economy did it help

large iron plows and artificial irrigatation systems, the increase of population

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Song Dynasty (960-1279): what 2 things did increased food supply help grow

larger population, larger agricultural economy

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Song Dynasty (960-1279): how did songs centralized imperial government cause it to fall

  1. so many people in the governemnt to pay caused for financial downfall and in an attempt to raise taxes caused rebellion

  2. scholar bearecrats typically had little military education which allowed for nomadic khitans to rule a large portion of china in the first half of the dynasty, then the nomadic jurchens conquered the khitans, took over songs capital, and forced song to go to the south while they established the jin dynasty in the north, mongol forces eventually demolished the song empire

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during the sui/tang how were foreign freligions developed in china

after the han dynasty confuscianism was disklied as it was ment to provide order and honesty in a time of warloads and invasions. this led to merchants, traveker, and fleers to come along the silk road and bring their religions to china. this included christians, zorastrianists, and muslims which attracted interest of merchnats but not of the people of china

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what religion flourished from sui to song

buddhism made its way to china through the slik road originally coming as danhuang which originally flourished in india as a a strict, elitist religion howver quickly followed was mahayana that was a religion for all people

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how did buddhist monastaries affect china

monastaries rapidly grew mainly for their promise of salvation. many monastaries offered education, conntribution to society and became their own community. monks also took pilgrimages to inida to learn more about buddhism and teach it in china (xaunzang). in some wasy this challenged confucianism and doaism but they still had their differences in written texts and purpose of life

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why did buddhism being so different from other chinese religion pose a need for change

they thought it would appeal to mor epeople if it incorprated pieces of other religions, especially doaism. they trasnlated many indian budhism words to chines such as dharma to dao and nirvana to wuwei

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what type of buddhism placed emphasize on doasit values

chan buddhism, iyt was very popular for its flashes of visualization instead of writtren text and was even promoted by wu zhao

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how did buddhism and other religions go away during tang and song

other religions felt diminished in the popularity budhism was gaining so in the tnag dynasty confucianists and the imperial court persecuted buddhism and other religion howverr beuddhism still remained popular behind confucianism

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how was neo-confucianism created

song dynasty leaders admired Buddhist thought and their less logical naturistic thinking so they combined ideas from confucianism and buddhism to create neo-confucianism

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who was zhu xi

he was the most important neo-confucianist philosopher who focused on confucious vakues but dove deep into buddhist philosophical thought. he created li (similar to platos forms and ideas) and qi (lis material form)

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whaat was the sillia dynasty

this was a dynasty that held china out of korea before china took over almost all of korea. the agreement was that if china took their forces out of korea sillia would still recognize the tang as their overlord

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how did china influence korea

korean emabssies who traveled to china brought back ideas about government, writing, and religion to korea (confucianims and buddhism) however even using the chinese confucian examination system, korean government remained in the hands of ruling classes

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what was nam viet

it was what tang chinese called vietnam while conquering it. the chinese faced a lot of resistancee and veen though tehy had vietnam as a tributary state and influenced most of vietnam they were still resented. when the tang vell the viets won their independance

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how was vietnam similar a different from china

they studeied confuccsain texts and took on chinese educartions but they had their own religion and were not as patriarchal as china

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what was the nara period

this was when japanese learned from the tang and built a centralizd beaurecratic government, implemented a equal field system, encouraged confucianism and buddhism, and even built their capital, nara, as a replica of tang capital chang’an

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how did japan stay unique from china

they kept their main relgion as shinto an indigenous religion that revolved around ansectors and natural spirtis

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how did the japanese imperial house last for so long

the emporers did not rule they were just significant symbolds of authority so as ruling parties come and go the imperial house satyed the same

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what was the heian period

this was a period of cultural development (education, writing, reading) taht still reflected a lot of chinese influence but also reflected japanes traditions

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how was the tale of genji made

women in japan didnt recieve a chiense education so aristocrat women who make literature only in japanese. most important of these was tale of genji whicb spoke of a prince reflecting on past joy. maraski, the author created one of the best japanese works through this

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how did the heian period decline

equal field system declined allowing aristocrats to take over japan and split it into 2 group, taira and minamoto, they fought minamoto won and established a shogun, a military leader who ruled in place of the emporer the sogun had vessels called daimyo

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hwo did the government change in the kamakura and muromachi periods

japan strayed away from chinese centralized rule used in nara and heian periods and began using a decntralized rule with japan seprated into regions with lords

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what was established when japan became more militaristic

samurai, they were proffesional warriors who worked for the lords of their region. they would enforce authority in teh rregion and extend their claims to other lands

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