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celecoxib, ibuprofen
Take with food to minimize GI effects, report changes in urine output or fluid retention, advise about pregnancy risk
Take with food to minimize GI effects, report changes in urine output or fluid retention, report ringing or buzzing in the ears, do not give to children with a viral infection.
Do not exceed 4 grams/day, do not take with alcohol, caution clients that drug is available in many combination products
Increase fluid & fiber intake, take with food to minimize GI effects, do not take prior to driving, take only when needed and short-term, do not take CNS depressants
Do not take prior to driving, take only when needed and short-term, do not take CNS depressants, do not stop taking abruptly, do not take opioids
Take on alternate day schedule (long-term), do not stop taking abruptly, report signs of infection, take with food to minimize GI effects, report increased stress