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Law enforcement officer
An employee of A law enforcement agency or section who is authorized to carry out law enforcement duties and responsibilities
Entities include
Sheriffs and deputy sheriffs, chiefs, and city and county police officers, and law enforcement officers of port and transit authoritie
Sworn officers
Authorized to make arrests within the confines of their authority while enforcing local, state, and federal rules and regulations
Police population ratio
Usually the number officers to 1,000 community residents
Nationally-Average number of law enforcement officers per thousand citizens is 2.1
Local police departments are comprised of
Municipal, county police, and county sheriff agencies
Municipal police
represent 71 percent of all law enforcement agencies, handle serious crime, and provide emergency services
Municipal police are primarily city police.
Most complex to operate?
County Police
Police force that operate on a county wide basis and constitute less than one percent
Main tasks:
Investigate crimes
Serve the courts, enforcement and corrections components of criminal system. ]
Duties are outlined in state constitution
State Police
States have highway patrol, state police, and investigative services
Share responsibility with local police
State laws vary regarding responsibility for criminal investigation
Highway Patrol
Enforce traffic laws on main highways
Mutual aid system
This mutual aid system is an agreement between two or more agencies enabling them to utilize each other’s resources in case of an emergency or other necessary situations
Department of Homeland Security
Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
***one of the largest law enforcement agencies in the world with over 60,000 employees***
Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
U.S. Coast Guard (U.S.C.G.)
U.S. Secret Service (U.S. S.S.S.) (Walker & Katz, 2018)
Department of Justice agencies
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)
U.S. Marshals Service (Walker & Katz, 2018)
Additional Policing Forces
Park rangers
*Transit police*
College/ university police
Native American tribal police
*Private security firms and personnel*
Rank and Structure
Sergeant (first line supervisor)
First Sergeant (In Some Jurisdictions)
Lieutenant (First And Second In Some Jurisdictions)
Deputy Chief Or Deputy Head
Assistant Chief
Rank structure
the command rank structure of American police organizations, which is also called the chain of command.
Can move vertical (five major sectors) or horizontal (number and size of agency)
Each position has its own separate duties and span of control
Span of control is the supervisor’s assigned authority allowing him or her to supervise A limited number of subordinates.
About ten to twenty officers depending on the size of the agency
officer, corporal, detective, sergeant, first sergeant (in some jurisdictions), lieutenant (first and second in some jurisdictions), captain, major, deputy chief or deputy head, assistant chief, and chief/commissioner/colonel/sheriff.
Leadership in policing
Executive staff wearing white shirts
All officers wearing the same color uniforms, important??
Divisions and Bureaus within a police agency
Office of the chief
Criminal Investigations
Patrol division
Support services (explained further on next slide)
Traffic administration
Animal control bureau
Support Services
Civilian employees span over the following units:
Police personnel, employee health, public safety communications, justice academy, records, evidence and support, fleet management, and the forensics.
Essential to law enforcement organizations, they perform a number of tasks, bring a new set of expertise, and resources which police officers cannot do or do not possess.