kuchipudi level 3 theory

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Unit 1A

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Unit 1A

brief history of Kuchipudi

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How has dance progressed and what is it used for?

- more sophisticated

- rich spirtual import

- entertainment

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What is among the most ancient dances?

- Indian dancing

- the form has changed but not the content

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Which civilizations were characterized by a high degree of perfection in Indian dancing? Did dance have a religious significance?

- the Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa civilizations

- whether dance had a religious significance or not is debatable but statue of a dancing girl at Mohenjo-Dara shows early sophistication

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Our Puranas and other lore speak of some close relationship between what things ?

between divinity and dancing, especially classical dancing

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What else is there something divine about?

- Bharata's NatyaSastra, the immortal book on dance and drama

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How are Andhra Pradesh dances different among Indian dances?

- always had distinct character and appeal

- for classical and folk (?)

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Where has the greatness and antiquity of classical dance been referred to in glowing terms?

- Gadha Saptasati (B.C.)

- Bharata Muni's "Natyasastra" (sometime in 200 B.C. - 200 A.D)

- Palkuriki Somanatha's "Panditharadhyacharita" and "Basavapuranam" (12th century)

- Jayapa Senani's "Nritta Ratnavali" (13th century)

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Which two literatures are still regarded as authoritative works on dancing?

- "Abhinaya Dharpana" by Nandikeshwara

- "Nrittaratnavali" by Jayapa Senani

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Between the 11th century A.D. and 14th century A.D., which hosts of Andhra commentators added to the wealth of literature on dance?

Nanyadeva, Bhoolokamalla, Kumaragiri Reddy, Pedakomati Vema Reddy, Lollu Bhattu, Singa Bhupala and Mallinatha

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Our historical works are replete with references to dance halls, dances and dancers like?

- Lakumadevi of Kondavidu

- Machaladevi of Warangal

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Which cities, temples, and caves are etched with dance poses?

- on the pillars of Amaravati and Nagarjuna Konda

- on the temples of Bikkavolu, Palampet and Draksharam

- in the caves of Undavalli near Vijaywada

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What are the four kinds of Abhinaya that Andhra classical dances follow?

- Angika (movement of the limbs)

- Vachika (speech)

- Aaharya (costume)

- Satvika (emotions and facial expressions)

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Andhra classical dance is commonly divided into which two categories?

- "Natya Mela" (consist of dance drama)

- "Nattuva Mela" (consists of pure dance)

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Where is the village of Kuchipudi located?

- in Divi taluk of Krishna district, which's about 15 miles from Machilipatnam and about 3 miles from Movva, the birthplace of Kshetrayya

- a few miles away from Kuchipudi is Srikakulam, the capital of Satavahana, and is a tract of land that has been famous for the culture and fine arts right from the 3rd century B.C

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Who was Abul Hasan Tanesha?

- the king of the region

- a lover of fine arts

- showered benefits on those whom he has taken a kindly attitude

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Describe the 'Firman' that was issued by Abul Hasan Tanesha.

- he gifted away the entire village with an extent of 600 acres as a charitable endowment of Kuchipudi dance, dance-drama, and its troupes

- wrote the hereditary rights in the name of nine families that were existing at that time in the village of Kuchipudi

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Whose name was issued in as the executor of the 'Firman'?

Bhagavatula Narasanna, the oldest memeber of the Kuchipudi village

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What did we learn from the local records of McKenzie?

the Kuchipudi Brahmins staged a "Kelika" in the Court of Vira Narshimadevaraya, who ruled over Vijayanaragam from 1506-1509

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When did dance-drama flourish in the village Kuchipudi?

before 1500 A.D.

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What was Siddhendra Yogi a scholar in?

in literature and philosophy

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What vow did Siddhendra Yogi make the Brahmin boys take?

they would take up a profession of dance or at least appear on the stage once a year

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What were women forbidden to do?

to take part in dance and dance-dramas

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What did Kuchipudi Brahmins come to be called?

"Kuchipudi Bhagavatas" because they used to enact stories from Bhagavatam

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What time period do scholars think Siddhendra Yogi belonged to?

- some thought he belonged to the 14th century while others say a later period of the 16th century

- based on historical evidence and arguments from various scholars, it's most probable he belonged to the 16 century or early 17th century

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What was Siddhendra Yogi's real name ?

Siddayya or Siddappa

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What village did Sidhendra Yogi belong to?

- dont know for sure

- but his wife belonged to Kuchipudi (child marriage was common)

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Where did Siddhendra Yogi go to become a scholar in other subjects?


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Where did Siddhendra reach when he saw signs of the river swelling?

the village "Kollur" on the banks of river Krishna

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What did Siddhendra Yogi become a scholar in after he left?

sastras (science), sanskrit (language), and literature

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Which did Siddendhra do when he was about to drown?

- prayed to Lord Krishna

- took Aadura Sanyasa (renunciations of earthly attachments) and promises to become a Sanyasi if his life was spared

- threw his sacred thread away as a sign of severances of family ties

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What did Siddendhra see Lord Krishna with in the river?

his Abhaya Mudra

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How did Siddendhra's wife reaction to him inspire him?

- reminded him of Satyabhama, Krishna's beloved consort

- diverted all his amorousness in him into creating "Bhamakalapam", a dance-drama in which the amour-stricken Satyabhama, pined for her lord who she had insulted inadvertently

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What kind piece is Bhamakalapam?

- a (mono-acting?) piece with Satyabhama as the heroine

- has stood the test of time and is still the piece-de-resistance of the Kuchipudi repertoire

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Who are the "Jivatma" and "Paramatma?"

- Satyabhama is the "Jivatma" and Lord Krishna is the "Paramatma

- Satyabhama's pangs of separation and longing are those of "Jivatma" pining to merge into "Paramatma"

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What did Siddhendra Yogi depict that Satyabhama was and what must the person portraying her character be a master of?

an incarnation of love and Sringarasa so one who seeks to play the character must be a master of dance and abhinaya

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Who were some kings that were praised in the composition of some Sabdams?

Pratapa Simha, Damera Simhendra Bhupala, Tulajaji

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What is another famous Kalapam in the Kuchipudi repertoire ?

"GollaKalapam" written by Bhagavatula Ramayya in the last quarter of the 19th century

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Who was Bhagavatula Ramayya?

- proficient in the art of dance

- strict ritualistic in the Orthodox Brahmin way

- practiced Yoga

- gave dance lessons to the Devadasis of his native place, Kuchipudi, at a Buddhist center

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Under what name did Bhagavatula Ramayya work on for presentational arts for?


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What is Gollakalapam about?

- a milkmaid

- the heroine, who's well versed in "Vedas", "Dharma Sastras" and other aspects of Hinduism, enters the stage selling milk and curds

- confronted by an arrogant orthodox Brahmin who's very proud of his caste

- they discuss "Vedas", Upanishads and their allied aspects

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In gollakalapam, what is one vehement argument advanced by the milkmaid?

- everyone is born a shudra, but as you learn "Vedic" cult one becomes a Brahmin

- she convinces him about it

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How was Achut-appa Nayaka related to Kuchipudi?

the main supporter of this style of dance after the fall of Vijayanagar Empire, who invited all families from Kuchipudi village to gift them each with a house, a well for drinking water and a few acres of land

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Where did Achut-appa Nayaka settle the families of Kuchipudi?

- in a colony named after him Achyutapuram, about 10 miles from Tanjore

- later known as Mellatur derived from the Telugu name Melaputuru, meaning a village of dance troupes

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What were the surnames of the Brahmins of this village before the beginning of this century?

same as those of the original emigrants from Kuchipudi

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When and where does Kuchipudi date back too?

- 1502 A.D from historical records to Machipalli village also known as "Machipalli Kaifiat"

(the same record confirmed that dancers were permitted to perform before Veera Narasimharaya of the village of the Vijayanagar Empire)

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What did the Kuchipudi Bhagavats take up and popularize a century and a half ago?

the Yakshaganas

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What was the play that was taken up in 3 parts?


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Which items did the Kuchipudi Bhagavatas produce later on?

Usha Parinayam, Sasirekha Parinayam, Harischandra, Mohini Rukmangada, Ramanatakam, Gayopakhyanam, and Rukmini Kalyanam

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How did people set up the Kuchipudi stage?

- open-air stage, spectators sit under three sides under the sky

- white or colored curtain is hung on the fourth side

- since there are no moving curtains, a white or decorative cloth is used for the backdrop

- no front curtain so a curtain is held by hand with two people with the artist behind, which moves in synchronism with the movement of the artist, to show their entrance to the stage

- the lighting is made with caster oil lamp

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What did the herald do after prayer?

- announce the arrival of the king

- king enters stage with song "Pravesa daruvu"

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What did the Sutradhara do?

- stand behind the stage and and conduct the play

- repeat loudly what the characters said and would even interpret it

- sometimes act in place of minor characters

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What does the orchestra consist of?

mridangam, flute, or violin, tambura or harmonium, and two or more background singers.

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What would kings, ministers and other characters wear?

crowns, mantle and ornaments, according to their rank

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What would other female characters wear?

replicas of ornaments worn by queens and other important personages

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What ornaments would Kuchipudi dancers wear?

- ornaments made of Ponki wood which is a kind of cedar light in weight, which were carved exquisitely

- consist of crowns of various sizes and shapes, shoulder plates, arm-bands, wristlets, and necklaces

- carving for men were bold and for women were delicate

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How has Kuchipudi changed ?

- from being male-dominated, and moving from place to place and performing on improvised platforms with limited resources

- to a solo system also emerged with female dancers dominating the scene with a refined outlook

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What kind of features does Kuchipudi have as a style of dance?

all the salient features of classical dance system

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What does kuchipudi strictly follow?

Bharata's "Natya Sastra" and Nandikeshwara's "Abhinaya Darpana", the authoritive and ancient treatises on dance, which are the main sources for all Indian classical dance traditions

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What are the common components in every classical dance?

Nritya, Nritta, and Natya

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In what ways, do these aspects (?) differ?

- geographical background, music, sculpture, human pyschology, languauge, literature

- Nritta is a key differntiating factor

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What does kuchipudi dance originally follow?

the Natya technique with a sound of adavu system, intricate footwork putting into practice all the varieties of Pada Karma mentioned in the Natya sastra

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How are complicated jati patterns set?

to different jatis, and thirmanams, and Mahara Muktayis

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Who was behind the evolution of the Aduvu system, why, and what did it lead to?

- a great set of gurus at that time

- to suit the female characters, like Bhama, Usha, and Shasirekha, in dance dramas

- Kuchipudi is full of graceful movements

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What was a turning point in the history of dance?

a solo system was developed and was making room for female artists that developed in Lasya aspect of dance

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Who are some people that made a remarkable contribution to Nritta aspect of dance by preserving and practicing old traditional adavu system?

Brahmasri Vedantam Lakshmi Narayana Sastry, Sri Vedantam Parvateesam and Sri Vedantam Prahlada Sarma and Sri Vedantam Jagannadha Sarma

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What are some important Sabdams and what do they consist of?

- Prahlada Pattabhisekham, Manduka, Rama, Dasavatara

- poetry and music, but also predominant with rhythmic syllables

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What are a few solo dances created by Kuchipudi Bhagavatas?

Jayadeva's "Geetagovinda", Yati Narayan Tirtha's, "Krishnaleela Tarangams", and "Padas" of Kshetrayya

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What is a dance item that was famous among Kunchipudi dancer other than .... (?)

Kshetrayya Padas (padams?)

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Who was Kshetrayya and what are a few details about him?

- a famous poet

Varadayya was his original name and later became Kshetrayya or Kshetragna

- surname is the same as that of the village

- a Brahmin

- native of Movva village in Krishna District

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What does "Kshetra" mean in Sanskit?

holy place

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Where did Varadayya visit and what did he do there?

- visited several holy places

- wrote songs on local deities at those places

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What was Kshetrayya a scholar in?

Telugu, Sanskrit, music and the science of dance

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What was Kshetrayya's inspiration?

- a Devadasi in his village who he loved as a student who was a devotee of Venugopalaswamy

- he wrote hundreds of songs on that deity

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What is Kshetrayya's signature?

"Muvva Gopala"

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How did Kshetrayya write his songs?

in the native idiom of Telugu language in a smooth style which are full of great importance and are east to interpret and understand

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Who paved the way for this type of song (padam) and Kshetrayya?

Anamacharya of Tirupati

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How do Annamacharya and Kshetrayya's songs vary?

- Annamacharya's songs were full of devotion

- Kshetrayya's songs besides the devotion had a greater erotic content so these songs were more pliable in dance

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How many types of heroines are there and what aspects attributed to them are found in Kshetrayya's songs?

- eight types

- all aspects

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Where are Kshetrayya's songs famous?

throughout South India

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What do artists wear when performing solo dances?

dress and ornaments suitable for dance

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What is the orchestra like (for what)?

same as that for dance drama

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What do the artists begin with?

Puja dance

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What do the artists exhibit in every song?

- Bhava (meaning) and Rasa (emotion) through

Angikabhinaya, Vachikaabhinaya, Satvikabhinaya

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How is the meaning of every word generally shown?

- Hastas (hand gestures), they place the two palms in such a shape that the audience understands the meaning of the word or recognize the idea behind

- highly codified and stylized

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How is the audience expected to be?

knowledgeable, so the full meaning of hand gestures employed in particular dance is understood by them

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What is Satvikabinaya?

the expression of the mental state through the face

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What is Angikabhinaya?

the movement of the limbs

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What is Vachikabhinaya?

the expression through words which may be in prose or poetry

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What is interwoven into all the abhinayas?

Nritya (dance) which leads to becoming the whole dance performance

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What does the leader of the dance party (?) do?

direct the entire performance sounding the cymbals and renders the rhythmic syllables (?)

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What is the main language of Kuchipudi dance drama?

Telugu, freely embellished with Sanskrit verses and songs

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What was the makeup like for original Kuchipudi artistes?

- very simple

- used a single color paint and powder appropriate to the character to be portrayed

- colors were prepared from minerals and vegetables

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Unit 1 B

evolution and development of Yakshaganas

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Where is the word "Yaksha" mentioned?

kenopanishad, a book

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recite the first slokah about Yakshagana

vishnorgaanancha nrityancha natanancha visekshatha

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What does Yakshagana mean?

the performer sings songs, verses, and prose personally, displaying the Nava Rasa while dancing

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How did Yakshagana start?

- as songs or narrative ethnic stories told by a single person, usually a woman (Yakshi) later supported by a man (Yaksha)

- in South India

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recite second slokah about Yakshagana

Punkanu Punka VisayaKshnethath paropi

Bramhavalokanadi yamnajouhathi yogi

Sangeetha vadya laya thalava sangatham

Moulista kumbha parirakshanadeerna thaiva ha

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How can human beings who are caught up in the mundane, concerns of worldly life achieve spiritual enlightenment?

- by watching Yakshagana performance

- Nritya Abhinaya Geethanam Trimoorthyatna Swaroopam

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