Unit 5 of Russia, A-Level History, Gorbachev and Yeltsin
When was the 27th communist party congress?
February-March 1986
What 2 things happened at the 27th party congress?
Gorbachev announces ‘genuine democracy’
Gorbachev denounced Brezhnev as an ‘era of stagnation’
When was the New Union Treaty Referendum?
March 1991
In the New Union Treaty Referendum, how many republics voted and how many abstained?
9 voted
6 abstained
Which republics abstained in the new union treaty referendum?
The Baltics, Moldova, Armenia, Georgia
What was the result of the new union treaty referndum?
76% of the voting states were in favour of the treaty (continuation of the union)
When were government subsidies for basic goods cut and what was the result?
April 1990
Price rises
When did Yeltsin announce a programme of complete marketisation of the Russian economy?
October 1991
What was article 6 of the soviet constitution (introduced by Brezhnev in 1977?)
ensured the communist party was the sole legitimate party in the soviet union
When did Gorbachev revoke article 6?
March 1990
When did Gorbachev become the president of the Soviet Union and who elected him?
March 1990
Congress of People’s Deputies
When were the elections to the Congress of People’s Deputies?
March 1989
In the election for the congress of people’s deputies, how much of the Moscow vote did Yeltsin win?
When did Yeltsin claim that Russian laws were superior to Soviet ones?
May 1990
When was trading of stocks and shares legalised?
April 1991
When was the law on individual economic activity?
November 1986
What did the law on individual economic activity allow?
individuals to make money from small-scale work
When was the 19th Party Conference?
June 1988
What did Gorbachev propose at the 19th party conference?
The congress of people’s deputies to oversee the government, elected in multi-candidate elections
When were superministries created to streamline economic decision-making?
When did Yeltsin resign from the communist party?
June 1990
Why was Yeltsin able to resign from the communist party?
Article 6 was abolished so politicians were not required to be loyal to the communist party.
What was a result of the 1989 elections for the CoPDs in the republics?
Many high-up communist ministers lost in the elections
When were riots in Kazakhstan and what caused them?
December 1986
The Kazakh first secretary of the party was replaced with a Russian
What was the name of the new, Russian first minister of Kazakhstan in December 1986?
What mistakes (3) did Gorbachev make immediately following his return from house arrest?
Did not properly thank the people for their support
Continued to claim that communism was right
Allowed Yeltsin to take all the credit and spotlight for the failure of the coup.
Who led the coup (3)?
Vice President Yanaev
KGB Leader Kryuchkov
Defemse minister Yazov
When was the attempted coup?
August 1991
When was the 500 day programme recommended to the government?
October 1989
What was the aim of the 500 day programme?
to achieve a full transition to a market economy in 500 days
Who supported the 500 day programme and who rejected it?
Russian government supported it
Soviet government rejected it
When did Yeltsin criticise Gorbachev, resulting in his sacking as Moscow party leader?
October 1987
When was the Minsk agreement made?
8th of December 1991
Which states made the Minsk agreement and what group did these states form?
Russia, Ukraine, Belarus
The Commonwealth of Independent States
When was Gosplan abolished?
When were the independence groups in the Baltics formed and what were they called?
April-October 1988
Popular fronts
When did the speaker of the Lithuanian Supreme Soviet proclaim Lithuanian independence from the USSR?
11th of March 1990
What was the name of the new, restructured economic policy and when was it introduced?
economic perestroika
January 1987
What was a part of the economic perestroika policy?
Joint ventures with foreign companies and states encouraged
When were Stalinist hardliners especially critical of Gorbachev and why?
March 1988
the pace of reforms was too quick
When did Yeltsin reject Gorbachev’s new union treaty?
November 1991
What was Gorbachev’s new elected position, when was he elected and by whom?
Chairman of the Supreme Soviet
May 1989
Elected by the Congress of People’s Deputies
When did Yeltsin become president of Russia?
July 1991
What is the Lithuanian capital, who went there, when did they go, and what was their aim?
pro-communists, backed up by the Red Army
January 1991
aimed to restore communist power
What was Yeltsin’s response to the communist’s effort in Vilnuis?
he condemned it
Which 2 Prime Ministers were defeated in the CoPD elections?
PM of Latvia
PM of Lithuania
How many regional secretaries were defeated in the CoPD elections?
When was a chain of people formed across the Baltic states?
August 1989
What did the Baltic chain show and what was the slogan?
it showed solidarity and independence
‘holding hands for peace’
When was the 12th five year plan launched?
What did the launch of the 12th five year plan suggest?
The continuation of central planning and command economy
When was the attempted coup?
18-21st of August 1991
When was the law on state enterprises and what was the goal?
devolve power from gosplan/central government to factory managers
What did the law on state enterprises allow managers to do?
they could set their own prices
What were the 2 results of the law on state enterprises?
little power was actually devolved
prices rose as they were not set by the state - goods unaffordable
When was the Armenia/Azerbaijan dispute and what are was it over?
When did Yeltsin suspend the communist party in Russia?
August 1991
When did Yeltsin completely ban the communist party in Russia?
November 1991