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Cottage industry
Homebase manufacturing
Examples clothing, like Nana, knitting, baked goods, handmade crafts
Site factors
Or industrial location factors related to the cost of factors of production inside a plant
Example, landforms, climate, soil, quality, natural resources, vegetation
Labor intensive industry
An industry in which wages and other compensation Paid to employees constitutes a high percentage of expenses
Example, examples of agriculture, textiles, handcrafted goods mining
Fordist production
Manufacturing centers that still attract industries that depend on skilled labor, one worker performs task repeatedly
Example Ford motor co., in North America in Europe
Post-fordist production
Describes flexible, production, many industries follow a lien flexible production approach
Example, examples of clothing manufacturers that quickly switch between different clothing items
Situation factors
Location factors relating to the transportation of materials into and from a factory
Examples, rivers, traderoutes, remote mountain area
Bulk reducing industry
Industry in which the inputs way more than the final product
Examples mining, smelting, refining manufacturing making paper
Book gaining industry
Make something that gains weight during production
Example, bottled beverages, car assembly, concrete, bread, baking
Break of bulk point
Location where transfer among transportation modes as possible, these are companies that use multiple transport modes located here
Examples railroads, airports, seaport
Just in time delivery
Shipment of parts and materials to arrive out of factory moments before they are needed
Examples, a car manufacturer receiving parts from supplier precisely when they are needed on the assembly line
Friction of distance
Idea that distance, inherently creates obstacles or cost, which hinder movement and interaction between places
Example, time, energy and money
Lease cost theory
A model developed by Alfred Webber that suggest industries will locate where the combine cost of transporting raw materials and finish products are minimalized
Example, a copper melting located near a copper mine
The clustering together of similar businesses or industries in a particular geographic area. This allows them to share infrastructure, labor, pools, and other resources. Creating economic advantages through cooperation and proximity.
Examples silicone Valley in California, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Detroit, Michigan, and Wall Street in New York City
Animate power
Historically people relied primarily on this, this is a power supplied by animals or by people themselves
Examples, Oregon Trail
Fossil fuels
Is an energy source formed from the residue of plants and animals buried millions years ago
Example, examples, coal oil, petroleum, and natural gas
Non-renewable energy resources
This is the fossil fuel that have infinite supplies, capable of being exhausted
Example, all fossil fuels
Proven reserve
The supply of energy remaining and deposits that have been discovered
Examples, fast oil reserves located in Saudi Arabia
Potential reserves
The supply that deposits that are undiscovered, but thought to exist
Example, examples, large deposits of natural gas, trapped in shale rock formations deep beneath the earths surface
Geothermal energy
Energy from hot water or steam
Example of the country that uses it the most as USA and the Philippines
Photochemical smog
Hydrocarbons in sunlight create this, and it Causes respiratory problems, stinging in the eyes, and an ugly haze over cities
Example, Los Angeles, California
Acid deposition
Is at a regional scale, air pollution may damage all regions, vegetation, and water supply
Example damage to forest and legs down wind from large industrial areas from the power plants
Acid precipitation
Two oxides admitted by burning fossil fuels, enter the atmosphere, where they combine with oxygen and water. Then it dissolves in water.
Example the acid may fall as snow rain or fog
Greenhouse effect
The increase in earth temperature caused by carbon dioxide, trapping some of the radiation emitted by the surface
Example CO2 increases due to human activities like burning fossil fuels
Is a gas that absorbs ultraviolet radiation in the stratosphere above the earth surface
Earth protect protective ozone layer is threatened by pollutants
Example Freon-12
Point source pollution
Enters a body of water at a specific location, smaller, and easier to control
Example pipe from wastewater treatment plant, factory, discharge pipe, releasing industrial ways directly to
Nine point source pollution
Comes from a large, diffuse area
Example, agricultural runoff from fertilizers and pesticides from farmland
Sanitary landfill
Most common strategy for disposal of solid waste in the US. More than 1/2 of the countries waste is Trucked To landfills and buried under soil
Examples California has the most
Is the rebuilding of a product to a specifications of the original manufactured product using a Combination of reused, repaired, and new parts. Both are increasingly used in industry as ways to promote more sustainable industrial processes.
Examples, car engine, aircraft components, medical devices
New international divisions of labor
Selective transfer of some jobs to developing countries
Example Nike out scores the manufacturing of its shoes to Countries like Vietnam
The practice where a company hires, an external organization or individual in another location, after overseas, to perform specific business functions or tasks that could be done internally, usually to reduce cost and access specialized skills
Example, customer service, accounting, legal services, MANUFACTURING
The practice of moving Business operations To another country
Example Switzerland is one of the most significant for offshore their financial centers in the world
Vertical integration
Outscoring contrast with the approach typically of traditional mass production. In which a Company controls all phases of a highly complex production process
Example, a car manufacturer processing all its own parts from the raw materials to a finish vehicle
A factory in Mexico, run by a foreign company and exporting its products to the country of that company
Example USA
Stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa Africa, representing a group of emerging economies with significant economic influence on the global Stage and are seeking power
Right to work law
Any state law for bidding various union security measures, particularly the union shop, under which workers are required to join a union within a specific time after they’ve began employment
Example, Arizona, Georgia Indiana, Michigan, North Carolina, Carolina, and Texas
Intermodel connections
The ability to seamlessly transfer goods or people between different transportation modes
Example shipping containers being transported by ship to a port, then loaded onto a train for long, distant travel, and finally transferred to a truck for delivery to a final destination
De industrialization
The reduction of manufacturing within an economy
Example declined a manufacturing in the rust belt region in USA
Growth pole versus techno pole
Is a region or area within a country that is attracted economic, activities, and businesses, fostering overall economic growth. Techno pole is a branch of a growth pole.
Examples silicone Valley
Rust belt
Geographic region from New York through the Midwest that was once dominated by manufacturing
Example, Detroit, St. Louis and Cleveland
Sun belt
A strip of territory that receives a high amount of sunshine And attracts tourists in southern USA