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Lubrication for the joints
Cushioning joints during jogging
Provides nutrients for cartilage
Reduces friction between bones during movement
The functions of synovial fluid include all of the following:
Articular cartilage
Smooth cartilage that covers the ends of bones within the joint, facilitating smooth movement
Joint capsule
A fibrous structure that encloses the joint
Lined with the synovial membrane that produces synovial fluid
Provides protection and stability
Synovial membrane
Responsible for the production of synovial fluid; contains specialized cells called synoviocytes
Type A Synoviocytes
Macrophage-like cells involved phagocytosis
Scavenger of joint structure and clear debris in joint fluid
Found in superficial layer
Type B Synoviocytes
Fibroblast-like cells that produce hyaluronic acid, fibronectin, and collagen
Contributing to synovial fluid viscosity
Clearing of debris and protecting joint in inflammation
Approximately 25% of plasma concentration
A small amount of protein contains:
Contributes to the viscosity of synovial fluid
Crucial for lubricating joint movement
Synovial fluid analysis is important for diagnosing the pathological origin of:
Colorless to pale yellow
What is the normal synovial fluid color?
<200 cells/μL
Normal leukocyte count of synovial fluid
Needle aspiration guided by ultrasound
Arthrocentesis is a procedure used to collect synovial fluid from joints by:
<3.5 mL
Normal amount of synovial fluid in adult knee cavity
>25 mL
Amount of synovial fluid in adult knee cavity during inflammation
Normal synovial fluid does not clot
Synovial fluid from diseased joint may clot due to the presence of:
Which anticoagulant is used in collection syringe?
Red top
What tube is used for Tube 1 after fluid collection?
Green or EDTA
What tube is used for Tube 2 after fluid collection?
Green or yellow top
What tube is used for Tube 3 after fluid collection?
Sodium heparin or SPS
Which anticoagulant(s) is used to preserve microorganisms?
Non inflammatory and inflammatory disease
Synovial fluid with deeper yellow color indicates:
Bacterial infection
Synovial fluid with greening tinge indicates:
Presence of crystals
Synovial fluid that appears milky indicates:
Impaired hyaluronate production or polymerization
Decreased viscosity is caused by:
Mucin clot test (Ropes Test)
Which test is useful for distinguishing synovial fluid from other fluid?
Acetic acid
What reagent is used in Ropes Test?
WBC count
Most routinely used for cell counting
Specimen should be refrigerated
To prevent cellular disintegration, counts should be performed as soon as possible or:
Acetic acid can cause clot formation and cell clumping
Cytocentrifuged preparations
Thinly smeared slides
Differential counts should be performed on:
Synovial tissue cells
What are the predominant cells in synovial fluid?
Septic arthritis
Increase in neutrophils suggest:
Non-septic inflammatory conditions
Increase in lymphocytes indicate:
LE cell
Reiter cell
RA cell
Lipid droplets
Which cells are seen in crush injuries?
Hemosiderin granules
These are seen in pigmented villonodular synovitis
Reiter cell
Which cell is seen in reactive arthritis?
Which cell is seen in nonseptic inflammation?
Cartilage cell
Which cell is seen in Osteoarthritis?
Rice body
Which cell is seen in tuberculosis, septic and rheumatoid arthritis?
Fat droplet
Which cell is seen in traumatic injury and chronic inflammation?
Monosodium urate (MSU)
It is routinely seen as needle-shaped and observed in gout
Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD)
It usually appears rhomboid-shaped or square but may appear as short rods
Found in pseudogout (chondrocalcinosis)
Which crystal is found in calcified cartilage degeneration?
Which crystal is seen in chronic inflammation? (RA)
Calcium oxalate
Which crystal is found in patients undergoing renal dialysis?
Which crystal requires electron microscopy for visualization?
Which crystal looks irregular with jagged or separated edges; broken pieces
Yellow-brown (golden) rhomboid crystal under brightfield microscopy
MSU is more highly birefringent than CPPD
Under polarized light, MSU appears to be what color?
Under polarized light, CPPD appears to be what color?
Which crystal does not show birefringence?
Glucose determination
Which chemistry test is frequently requested for synovial fluid?
Sodium chloride
What is the anticoagulant used in glucose testing?
10 mg/dL
Normal synovial fluid glucose should be within:
8-hour fast
Blood and synovial fluid samples should be collected simultaneously, preferably after an:
Glucose is typically 10–20 mg/dL lower than blood
Noninflammatory and hemorrhagic joint disorders
Glucose is 0-40 mg/dL below blood glucose
Inflammatory disorders
Glucose can be 20-100 mg/dL lower than blood glucose
Septic arthritis
< 3.0 g/dL
Normal synovial fluid protein level
Inflammatory and hemorrhagic disorders
Increased protein is found in patients with:
Uric acid
It is used to confirm gout when monosodium urate (MSU) crystals cannot be demonstrated in the fluid
Elevated serum uric acid
It is a well-known indicator of gout
MSU crystals are not detected
Synovial fluid uric acid is measured when:
Elevated septic arthritis
Increased lactate levels are seen in:
>9 mmol/L
81 mg/dL
Lactate levels that indicate bacterial arthritis and warrant immediate treatment
Which enzymes can be monitored in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) to assess disease severity and prognosis?
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
The most frequent causes of synovial fluid infection:
Borrelia burgdorferi
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Chlamydia trachomatis
N. gonorrhoeae
PCR is used for detecting hard-to-culture organisms such as:
Serological tests
Used to evaluate the involvement of the immune system in joint inflammation, particularly in autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
RA and SLE
These conditions cause severe joint inflammation and are diagnosed by detecting specific autoantibodies in serum
Lyme disease
Arthritis is a frequent complication of: