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How many picadores are there? and what is their job?
2, to jab the bull
How many Banderilleros are there? What does their name mean?
3, little flaggers
what are the rejoneadores
what does recortadores mean
the edgers
El paseillo
the beginning of the corrida and is considered the parade
Who is the balcony for?
What is the Panuelos
white handkerchief
Command the beginning of the corrida (show), the exit of each bull, the change of tercio, warnings and grant of trophies
Green handkerchief
Return the bull to the corral (farmyard)
red handkerchief
Command black banderillas
Blue handkerchief
Authorize bull's laps around the ring
Orange handkerchief
Pardon the bull
Whats the bullfighting team called
Who is on the team?
1 bullfighter, 2 picadores, 3 banderilleros
What is the bullfighting event called
Whats involved in the event
3 bullfighters
6 bulls (and a spare)
Order: the first torero goes first with a bull, then the second torero with another bull, then the third, then the first again with his second bull, then the second and third.
3 tercios (thirds), 2 suertes (capes)
What do they yell every time the bull dodges
When is the bullfighting season
Spring to fall
What time is the bullfight at?
What is toro de osborne
The specific black bull they use within the bullfights
How long is the fight normally
2 hours
What does toro bravo mean
The bulls that are raised to fight
What does toro de lidia mean?
How the bulls need to be raised in liberty
Bull of Crete
One of the 12 works of Hercules was to capture it, since it was causing damage in Crete
why is it called holy week?
because it is an entire week of holidays:
holy monday
holy tuesday...
holy saturday
sunday of resurrection
why is it called good friday
viernes de dolores
because it gets rid of all of our sins because he died that day
what are the seven sorrows of mary
1. The prophecy of Simeon. 2. The flight into Egypt.
3. The loss of the Child Jesus in the temple.
4.The meeting of Jesus and Mary on the Way of the Cross.
5.The Crucifixion.
6.The taking down of the Body of Jesus from the Cross.
7. The burial of Jesus in sepulcher
what is domingo de ramos
- remembering the triumphal entrance of jesus in jersusalem during passover (jewish celebration)
- riding a donkey (jewish symbol of royalty) revealing himself as king of the jews
- received with palm leaves (jewish symbol of rejoicing)
how many parades are there
at least one each day. sometimes more
what do the colors of parade symbolize
red: blood of christ
purple: penance
black: mourning
each is organized and defrayed by a cofradia (brotherhood) in a specific church/parish
what is a cofrada
member of the parade (brother)
what is a nazareno
- carry a cross or candle
- represent and remember the passion suffered by jesus of Nazareth
- wear capirote
- some walk barefoot as a promise to the virgin god or to expiate
what is the hat that the nazarenos wear called
capirote, historical symbol of penance, repentance and expiration of sins
what are the penitents
empalos (impaled) in Valverde de la vera (caceres)
disciplinantes (following fanciscan disciplinary belief)
what is a costalero
carry the paso (float) over their shoulders, suffering the weight on their costals or ribs
christ tied to the column
Carried throughout the city in the procesiones (parades)
Many of these sculptures were created by artists in previous centuries. E.g. Cofradía de Ntro. Padre Jesús Nazareno in Murcia = Francisco Salzillo (XVIII sculptor)
People watching from both sides of the street. You could bring collapsible chairs or pay for those provided by the city council
what instruments are played during the parade
drums and trumpets
What does the Primary Sector include?
1. Agriculture: olive (1st), Barley, wheat
2. Ranching: 4th worldwide producer of pork, 1st producer of jamon (salt-cured ham)
3. Fishing: 4.000 km coastline
Jamón (cheaper to more expensive)
1. Jamón Serrano: "from the mountain" = cured in a cool dry place vs Jamón (de) York or Jamón cocido "boiled ham"
2. Jamón Ibérico de cebo: "Iberian ham of fodder"
50% Iberian breed
3. Jamón Ibérico de bellota: "Iberian ham of acorn", Bred in liberty in meadows, Typical "dehesa" of Extremadura
Jamón de Pata Negra "Black Legged Ham"
Fodder Ham: pigs in cage
Iberian Acorn Ham: pigs in wild
D.O.P. (Denominación de Origen Protegida) Certificate of Origin
1. Jamón de Jabugo (Huelva)
2. Jamón de Teruel
3. Jamón de Guijuelo (Salamanca)
4. D.O.P. Dehesa de Extremadura
Queso D.O.P.
- Manchego (Castilla La Mancha)
- Cabrales (Asturias)
- Tetilla (Galicia)
- Mahón "Mahonesa" (Palma)
- Torta del Casar (Extremadura)
- Al vino (Murcia)
Wine D.O.P.
- Ribera de Duero
(Duero's Riverbank)
-Castilla La Mancha
-Jumilla (Murcia)
-Albariño (Galician grape)
-Cava (Catalan Champagne)
What are the 4 fishing grounds?
Gulf of Cádiz
What are the main fish captured?
Tuna (Bonito del Norte)
What is Castilla La Mancha known for and GDP? (main agricultural regions)
(8'5 GDP): Cereal, cheese, wine
What is Extremadura known for and GDP? (main agricultural region)
(6'4): Jamón
What is Aragón known for and GDP? (main agricultural region)
(6'3): Cereal (wheat, barley, rye, corn), fruit
What is Andalucía known for and GDP? (main agricultural region)
-Plastic Sea of Almería (Greenhouses)
-Agrarian income for day laborers "jornaleros" (campaigns, migrate to France)
-Strawberry of Huelva
-Olive in Jaén: biggest olive grove 20% world production (Andaluces de Jaén)
What is la Rioja known for?
What is Castilla y León known for?
Cereal, wine, cold meats (chorizo, salchichón, jamón)
What is Murcia
The Vegetable Garden of Europe (+Almería)
What is Valencia known for?
What is the Canaries known for?
Bananas (Plátanos)
What is the second sector of Spain's economy?
20'8% GDP
13% employment
What are the main productions of Industry?
1. Vehicles: Galicia, CyL, Cat, Val, Nav
2. Steel: North: PV, Asturias (mines)
3. Naval construction: Civil and Military
-North: Asturias, Galicia, PV
-Navantia: Cádiz, Ferrol, Cartagena
4. Textile and Shoes: East: Cataluña, Valencia
5. High-Speed Trains
- 40% worldwide projects
- 83% exports to 5 continents
- Saudi Arabia (Mecca-Medina), Crossrail (London), Marmaray (Istanbul)
6. Renewable Energy
Center: Wind turbines (5th world producer wind energy)
How does the landscape change in Castilla La Mancha and who wrote about this?
Don Quijote jousting against the "Giants"
How much does the construction industry make up?
- 6% GDP
- 6'6% employment
- Important sector in Spain: Tourism
- 22% of owners have more than one house: Vacation residence (beach or village) or as investment
- 2008 "Brick Crisis" = 1'5 houses for each household (highest in world). 22% unemployment
What is the third sector of Spain?
About Services
- 67'9% GDP
- 76% Employment
= Tourism 12% GDP + 10% employment
=Commerce 10% national
-2nd most visitors (Fr)
-Fragile: depends on external factors
- Only 58% population active
- The biggest outlay in the General State Budget: 42%
- Lowest fertility rate in EU (only surpassed by Malta): 1'2 children per woman
- Pyramid scheme
Monarchies' and Republics' expenditures
Republican Presidential Budgets:
Italy: 228
France: 112 M€
Germany: 20
Portugal: 16
Greece: 6
Ireland: 3
4%: Unprocessed food
10%: Processed food & some services
- Public transportation
- Culture: Cinema, Theatre
- Bars & Restaurants, Hotels
21% Rest of goods & services
Other taxes
Small <10M turnover & <50 employees = 23% (25%)
Medium <50M & <250 employees = 23%
Big >50M & >250 empl. = 25% (33%)
Assets = 0,4-7% (Exemption 1'5M)
Income = 8-40%
Social Security (42%) 6 - 36:
- Unemployment 1'55% - 7%
- Disability 4'8% - 17%
- Training 0'1% - 2'3%
Freelancers 34%
Ex: Monthly gross salary = 1850
S.S. = 120 - 475 (total 595)
Income = 275
Total net = 1450
Taxes of the CCAA
- Inheritance & donation 7-35%
- Patrimony transmission (real estate, building, land) 8-10%
- Vehicle transmission 4-6%
- Documented Judicial Acts 0'5%
Taxes of the local governments
- Property Tax (house) 300-600/y
- Circulation 70-250/y
- Terraces (5-6 tables) 500/y
- Entrances (no parking) 100/y
- Capital gains in property sales = 25% over the increase of value
"A don Dinero" by Francisco de Quevedo
- Francisco Gómez de Quevedo Villegas y Santibáñez Cevallos
- Madrid 1580-Valladolid 1645
- Father secretary to Phillip II's sister and his 4th wife. Mother lady in waiting of queen
- Nobleman and writer: poetry, prose, theatre...
- Master of Spanish language. Rhetoric figures: calambur
Entre el clavel y la rosaSu majestad escoja
Between the carnation and the rose, your majesty, choose
Rivalry between two giants of the Golden Age (Siglo de Oro)
XVII century: The Golden Age of the Spanish Literature
Cervantes (1547-1616): The witty nobleman Don Quixote de La Mancha 1605-15
1492- 1681: Publication of Castilian Grammar - death of last writer Calderón de la Barca (Life is a dream 1635)
Authors: Lope de Vega (rivalry with Cervantes), Tirso de Molina (Don Juan in The libertine of Seville)
Mysticism: St. Theresa of Jesus & St. John of the Cross
Don Juan
- Recurring character in Spanish literature
- Archetype of a gallant, beau, Casanova, womanizer
- Appeared first time in El burlador de Sevilla play 1630 by Tirso de Molina
- Famous in Don Juan Tenorio. Play by José Zorrilla 1844
Sonnet to a nose
man glued to nose?
when were autonomias establishes
- 1978 with the constitution
- created 1979-1995
- first: catalonia, PV, Galicia
- last: ceunta and melilla
Constitution of 1978: Autonomies
- the map changed
- Madrid and La rioja were added communities
Jurisdictions (CCAA)
-Education: co official language not spanish
-Urbanism (housing)
-Infrastructure: Roads, Harbor, Airport, Railroad
-Environment (Agriculture, Hunting, Fishing)
Jurisdictions (State)
- Some states can have more or less depends on negotiations
-Foreign Relations
-National Defense
-Monetary System
-IRS (Interna Revenue)
-Referendum call
Transfer of Jurisdictions
-País Vasco and Navarra considered "Historical Regions"
-Collect taxes ("Navarre convention" or "Basque Quota") > Transfer to State
-Rest CCAA: State collects > Decides how much to transfer
-Rodalies Cataluña (Cercanías "proximities") transferred 2010
-Catalonia = they steal from us (about the taxes)
State Security Corps
Land Army (Ejército de Tierra)
Air Force (Ejército del Aire)
Navy (Armada)
National Police
Local Police
Civil Guard:
- Oldest Corps
- 1844 (Isabel II)
- Military nature
- Tricornio (three-horned) hat (past: normal uniform, now: formal uniform)
- Emblem: bundle of rods (authority) and sword in surrender position (unique in heraldry) symbol force at the service of legal authority.
Autonomous Police corps
- País Vasco = Ertzaintza
- Navarra = Policía Foral
- Cataluña = Mossos d'esquadra (squad lads)
---Barcelona (Local Police) = Guàrdia Urbana
- País Vasco (Local Police) = Udaltzaingoa
Basque Nationalism
-Sabino Arana (1865-1903)
-Basque politician and ideologist: father of Basque Nationalism
-Founder of PNV (Partido Nacionalista Vasco) Basque Nationalist Party (traditionalist)
-Contrast with Leftist Nationalism (Izquierda Aberzale)
-Ikurriña: Ikur (symbol) + uhn (cloth)
Nationalism XIX c.
-Identification Nation-State
-Leaving the feudal concept of territory ownership
-Land is a representation of the identity of the people (language, culture, customs, folklore), not an accumulation of disperse territories by a king, dynasty or liege.
-Art movement: romanticism in literature, painting, music, philosophy
Basque Language
-Languages all come from Latin except Basque which is previous of Visigothic and remains are not complete
-New grammatic and phonetics
-Neologisms by S. Arana
-Euzkadi (eguzki=sun, -di = abundance)
-Euzkera, Euzk- (Euskal-Herria)
A = Masculine
E = Feminine
B/D/G = P/T/K
F = P
C/Q = K
S/Z = TS / TZ or X
V = B
-Vasconia (Romans)
-Señorío (estate) of Vizcaya
-Count of Gascuña or Vascongadas (XVII-XX)
Which is not a part of flamenco music?
which is not a member of the cuadrilla?
what is true about a caballo de rejoneo?
bull should never touch it
what is false about the paseillo?
happens at the end of every bullfight (it happens at the beginning)
how many banderilleros are in there in a cuaderilla
which of these perform taurokatapsia
which is the tercio de varas (third of spears)
the first one
how many suertes are there?
what color is the muleta
what time does a corrida usually start?
5-7 PM
the bullfighting season is usually
from spring to fall
the celebrations of the holy week begin
friday of sorrow: viernes
how many suffers did mary suffer (virgen de los Dolores)
what does the conical headwear of nazarenos represent?
symbolizes penance and expiation of sins
what do nazarenos carry in procesiones
cross, several crosses, or candle (all of the above)
who carry the pasos (floats)
nazarenos are part of a brotherhood called
music in procesion is played by
trumpets and drums