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Present tense in French consists mainly of __________.
Regular verbs and irregular verbs.
The endings for regular -er verbs in the present tense are: Je ____, Tu ____, Il/Elle/On ____, Nous ____, Vous ____, Ils/Elles ____.
e, es, e, ons, ez, ent
Conjugation of 'avoir' (to have) in present tense: Je ____, Tu ____, Il/Elle/On ____, Nous ____, Vous ____, Ils/Elles ____.
ai, as, a, avons, avez, ont
The past participle for regular -er verbs is formed by dropping the ___ and adding ___ .
er, é
In passé composé, the structure is: Subject + ___________ + Past Participle.
Avoir (conjugated in present)
The acronym for verbs that use 'être' in the passé composé is __________.
How do you form the futur simple for verbs ending in -er and -ir?
Use the infinitive as the stem, then add appropriate endings.
The endings for futur simple are: Je ____, Tu ____, Il/Elle/On ____, Nous ____, Vous ____, Ils/Elles ____.
ai, as, a, ons, ez, ont
What is the reflexive pronoun for ‘Il’ in reflexive verbs?
What is the translation for 'vieux' in French adjectives?
What does 'Jouer à' mean when used with a sport?
To play a sport.
In passé composé, how do you form a negative sentence?
Use ne...pas around the auxiliary verb.
The three common irregular verbs in the present tense are __________, __________, and __________.
avoir, être, faire.
How do adjectives generally form their feminine form in French?
Add an 'e' to the masculine form.
What is the rule for plural form of adjectives in French?
Add an 's' to the singular form.
The verb 'aller' in future simple is conjugated as ________ for 'je'.
What French verb means 'to want'?
The term 's' for reflexive verbs indicates what?
The subject performs the action on themselves.
The past participle of 'faire' is __________.
The capital of Madagascar is __________.
The climate in Madagascar is described as __________ with two seasons.