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single organism (biotic)
a group of individuals of the same species in a defined area (biotic)
all populations in an area (biotic)
all biotic and abiotic things in an area
large areas with similar climates (temp and precip); plants and animals in each biome have specific adaptations
struggle to get limited resources => limits population size
negative for all species involved; leaves less resources
food for one of the species involved
Symbiosis; parasite steal energy from the other species
ex. ticks, tapeworms
positive for the herbivore; negative for the plant; fruit-eating herbivores would be an exception => as they eat fruit, the seeds are dispersed which allows for the plant to grow in more locations
Symbiosis; both species are benefitting
ex. coral reef gives habitat/ CO2 to algae and gets sugars
Symbiosis; positive for one species; no impact for the other (i.e. bird living in a tree)
long term relationship between two species
sym = together
bio = living
osis = condition
ex. mutualism, parasitism, commensalism
Competitive Exclusion Principle
2 species competing for some limited resource can’t coexist
Resource Partitioning
different species use different shared resources in different ways to reduce competition
this is due to evolution
Temporal Partitioning
different times (diurnal vs. nocturnal)
Spatial Partitioning
different areas of a shared habitat
ex. birds nesting in different parts of a tree
Morphological partitioning
evolved body structures
ex. Galapagos island finches (body structures change through natural selection)
Ecological Niche
what an organism is in an environment
*having overlapping niches => weaker competitor will not get their desired resource
Fundamental Niche
what a species is capable of
Realized niche
what a species actually does in their fundamental niche (capability)
“smaller” than the fundamental niche due to competition with other species
abdale teaching apes instead of physics example
Parasitoids lay their eggs inside or on host => larvae develops and kills the host
Precipitation line above temperature line = plant growth limited by temperature/ vice-versa
line is temperature; bars are precipitation
Tropical Rainforest
frequent precipitation, most biodiversity, epiphytes, waxy surfaces to prevent water loss; near equator
low-moderate precipitation; leaves can retain water; short trees/ shrubs grow here + grass (croatia)
low precipitation, low temperature, permafrost is the most important characteristic *(frozen soil => very slow decomposition [low soil nutrients, low water availibility, few plants can survive here])
plants adapted with fuzzy coating/ growing close together
Subtropical desert
low precipitation, high temperature, very dry, plants/ animals need to retain as much water as possible,
Taiga/ Boreal Forest
short hot summers/ cold, long winters; cone-shaped trees to prevent breaking from the snow; animals have thick fur to keep warm during the summer