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Biking Capital of the World “Venice of the North” very tolerant
Amsterdam Jewish Quarter
one of the oldest, wealthiest, safest communities for Jews in Europe, ~500 years old, inhabited by bankers, scholars, translators, Optics, & engineers
Baruch Spinoza
natural philosopher who advocated rationalism in Jewish religious doctrine at the time, and was adopted by Christian theologians afterwards. Excommunicated by Jewish Community
Cornelius Vanderbilt
most famous American Banker, Dutch heritage
charging one to use one’s money
Dutch East India Company colonies
Batavia, Cape Colony, Sri Lanka
artist who made girl with pearl earring, dutch
dutch painter
Peter Paul Rubens
dynamic paintings, always showcases one character looking straight at the camera, to represent himself
starry night
van gogh
the hague
international court of justice in the netherlands
Productive class
land owning gentry who produced more food from their land, gained power to advocate for constitutional monarchy, possessed influence
main port cities involved in the Indian Ocean trade
zanzibar, canton, mogadishu, ormuz
monsoon winds
determined direction of ships in indian ocean trade
Monsoon Marketplace
indian ocean trade
swahili coast
coast on africa; exported timber, ivory, spices, gold
trading city on the strait of malacca
navigational tool to determine latitude
bulk goods indian ocean trade
became more available
lateen sail
triangular sail used in dhows; indian ocean trade
2 most significant ports in china
macao & canton
Mercantilist attitude
Colonies & trading (surpluses!) was to benefit mother country Colonies to provide raw materials to the home state; home state could generate products; colonies expected to purchase products
French/Indian War
left british in debt
british acts that led to revolution
stamp act, townshend acts (taxed tea, paper, paint, lead, glass), boston massacre, intolerable acts (closed port of boston, quartered troops)
american revolution events
boston tea party, sons of liberty (attacked tax collectors),
colonial organization events + revolution
First Continental Congress, Olive Branch Petition, Second Continental Congress, Declaration of Independence, War for Independence, Articles of Confederation
Constitutional convention branches
Legislative, Executive, Judicial branches (montesqieu)
Marie Antoinette (3)
austrian queen, daughter of maria teresa, married louis xvi to end hostilities with france
tax which the clergy collects
nobles of the race nobles of the sword nobles of the robe
nobles by blood nobles by military service nobles by payment
middle class (merchants, manufacturers, city workers, peasants, etc.)
prison stormed during french revolution, full of weapons, symbolic of the revolution
estates general
meeting held by louis xvi, resulted in no change
voting by order
one vote per estate
tennis court oath
french peasants went to a nearby tennis court, swore to never stop meeting until making a constitution
the great fear
event in 1789, fear of robbers, citizens armed themselves
the march on versailles
thousands of women later joined by 20,000 men demanded the royal family to come out so they could be regulated
national assembly reforms
end of old customs (nobles are now taxed)
declaration of the rights of man
Protection of personal property Equality of all citizens Democratic principles (locke principles)
Conservatives Moderates Radicals
supported limited monarchy, few government changes supported constitutional monarchy, some government changes opposed monarchy, sweeping government changes
members of jacobin club, under robespierre, revolutionaries, radical
national motto of french
liberte, egalite, fraternitie
reign of terror
led by robespierre, committee of public safety, law of suspects, 20,000-40,000 died
impact of french revolution (3) in france
no monarchy, more democracy, patriotism
the directory
wealthy, educated committee who ruled before napoleon, very corrupt
robert turgot
controller general
Institutional discrimination
estates general, 1st and 2nd estate had more power than third
Absolute Monarchy
government in which one person has all the power
National Assembly
constitutional acts were passed
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
french government gained control over catholic church
Feudal Privileges
during feudalism, nobles could be knights & gain land in exchange for service
“enlightened” form of execution
elect people to represent you
revolutionary calendar
exemplary of radical revolutionary behavior
“small guy” many military victories in europe created consuls; became first consul dictator failed to invade russia (winter, most troops died) exiled to elba, returned exiled to st helena after battle of waterloo
coup d’etat
seizure of power
continental system (napoleon)
blockade/closing ports between Great Britain and continental Europe - designed to hurt Great Britain, but was considered largely ineffective and developed discontent
revolution meaning
napoleonic code
set of french laws heavily influenced by enlightenment and revolutionary ideas; all male citizens are equal
spanish ulcer
napoleon assigned his half brother to rule spain; the region lost france a lot of money
quadruple alliance
britain, russia, prussia, austria allied to defeat france during napoleon era
large factor in french rev.
congress of vienna
objective was to establish order, balance power, develop a peace treaty
5 major participants in the congress of vienna
czar alexander i (russia, green) frederick william iii (prussia, prussian blue) lord castlereagh (english, red) charles talleyrand (french, blue) prince metternich (austria, red)
figure who survived reign of terror, louis xvi reign, napoleonic conquest
charles talleyrand
switzerland in congress of vienna
promised independence
metternich system
conservatism suppress democracy & nationalism balance of power
top musicians who write music for all occasions for whatever market will hire them
nobles and royals financed master musicians to compose music for any occasions and that meant the composer had to fit his music to the tastes of the elite.
countryside, nomadic living
beethoven influential piece
eroica symphony
importance of cellos
used when musicians have something important to say
musician who worked for the bavarian king
richard wagner
total art work
Pax Britannica
(1815-1914) Relative peace in Britain, no major wars
(end of napoleon wars: 1815), (beginning of wwi: 1914)
causes for the industrial revolution beginning in england
agricultural revolution in england
geography- island nation, resources, unaffected by napoleon, harbors for trade
money (slave trade)
oversea colonies supply materials
stable government
transportation & communication
consumer class (capacity to buy manufactured products; mass leisure culture)
crystal palace
feat of architecture in britain; symbol of progress
forms of british communication (3)
transatlantic cable
forms of british transportation (3)
first automobiles
first car exclusively for the wealthy
Benz (Germany)
Henry Ford
perfected assembly line for car production in the US
JD Rockefeller
Standard Oil owner, lowered prices, owned 80% of American oil production
exclusive control over a good/service
agreement between business to agree to fixed prices & limit competition
commercial imperialism
idea that business became used a weapon in foreign policy (ie: the Continental System)
Dollar Diplomacy
the practice of the US loaning money to foreign countries for influence, sale of American goods overseas
new sciences in the industrial revolution (4)
Physiocrats beliefs (branch of Laissez-Faire)
No government intervention, no restrictions
Allow natural laws to take place
"let it happen”
Adam Smith
Laissez-Faire, Wealth of Nations, individuals act in self-interest, industrialist profits pay workers
Thomas Malthus
Laissez-Faire, Essay on Population, population grows faster than food supply, disease, disasters, & famine are necessary, no government help
malthusian trap
idea that was population grows, there will not be enough food to feed everyone
David Ricardo
Laissez-Faire, Iron Law of Wages cycle
low wages → less kids → shortage of workers → high wages → more kids → surplus of workers → low wages
Liberal Reformers
Supported existence of a government, individual freedom, capitalism, unionization for better wages & conditions
Jeremy Bentham
Liberal Reformer, believed in no government involvement unless the actions of a few bring misery to many
John Stuart Mill
Liberal Reformer, proposed reforms, the right to vote, better education, unionization
Middle Class
Working Class
Means of production are privately owned
Means of production are owned by workers or the state (a state, if existing, is created to benefit the people)