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Sola Scriptura (Luther)
by scripture alone
Sola Fides (Luther)
by faith alone
Imputation of Righteousness (Calvin)
Christ endures wrath of God, seen AS IF righteous
Medici (Machiavelli)
ruling family of the state when Mach wrote The Prince
Virtù (Machiavelli)
intellectual skills such as strength, intelligence, decisiveness required to shape own destiny
Fortuna (Machiavelli)
luck or fortune that could affect human affairs, a ruler must skillfully navigate to succeed
Sovereign (Hobbes)
ultimate authority in a state, created by a social contract to maintain peace and order
General Will (Rousseau)
collective will of the people, should guide the decisions of the state, represents the common good, not individual desires
Inductive (Bacon)
knowledge is derived from observation, experimentation + accumulation of data
Deductive (Bacon)
reasoning start with general principles and moves to specific conclusions
branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of knowledge, how we know what we know
branch of philosophy that explores nature of reality, being, existence, and the universe
Hyperbolic Doubt (Descartes)
Descartes’ method of doubting everything that can possibly be doubted to establish certain knowledge
Indubitability (Descartes)
certain knowledge so certain that it cannot be doubted, free from doubt
Res Cogitans (Descartes)
'thinking thing', Descartes’ term for the mind, which is distinct from the body
'extended thing', Descartes’ term for the physical body or matter
'I think, therefore I am', Descartes’ statement that his ability to doubt or think proves his existence
'I doubt, therefore I am', another way of stating that doubting proves one’s existence
A philosopher who believes that reason and logic are the primary sources of knowledge, rather than sensory experience
A philosopher who believes that knowledge comes primarily from sensory experience, rather than innate ideas or reasoning
A philosopher who believes that ideas or concepts preexist experience, structure and inform reality and experience
duty based ethics
ethical theory that suggests the best action is the one that maximizes overall happiness or well-being for the greatest number of people (kill 1 to save 5)
Categorical Imperative (Kant)
guiding moral principles in which one actions can become universalized
Hypothetical Imperative (Kant)
a command that tells us what we ought to do in order to achieve particular goal, subjective (ex. If, then statements), no moral ground
'“prior to experience”, knowledge independent of experience, known through reason alone
“after experience”, knowledge that comes from experience or empirical evidence
Autonomy (Kant)
the ability to make one’s own decisions and act in accordance with rational moral principles, free from external control
Bourgeois (Marx)
social class that owns the means of production
Proletariat (Marx)
working class, exploited for labor
biases or false notions that distort human understanding
Idols - Tribe
human nature’s tendencies (ex. tendency to see patterns in clouds)
Idols - Cave
personal biases that stem from background, culture, experience
Idols - Theatre
cultural biases, inherited from culture (ex. Chinese vs West/Aristotlean astronomers)
Idols - Marketplace
language barriers, imprecision of language (ex. “hot”, “love”)