god forbid a woman has hobbies
NON SOCIOLOGICAL: What do Lombroso and Ferrari (1893) think causes low female crime rates?
Criminality was inborn and women were less likely to be born with criminality.
NON-SOCIOLOGICAL: What do Moir and Jessel think causes female crime?
PMT (no I’m not joking)
NON-SOCIOLOGICAL: What does Eysenck think causes female crime?
Unstable and extroverted personalities.
NON-SOCIOLOGICAL: what do bioessentialists think is the reason behind low female crime rates?
Lower testosterone levels.
FUNCTIONALIST: What does Parsons say causes low female crime rates?
Sex roles. In the home, women bear the burden of socialisation and pass feminine, caring ideals down which boys reject in a process called compensatory compulsory masculinity, hence they commit more crimes than girls on average.
NEW RIGHT: What does Cohen say causes such high male crime rates?
The boys are fatherless so they look to gangsters for male discipline and validation.
LIBERAL FEMINIST: Why does Oakley think men commit more crimes than women?
They are socialised to be more aggressive and violent.
What does Messerschmidt (2000) say about high male crime rates in the UK specifically?
UK men are socialised into incredibly hegemonic masculine ideals that normalises violence
Why do Barak et al think that female crime rates are so low?
Women are socialised to be amicable and cooperative.
FEMINIST: How does Heidensohn’s (1996) control theory explain why female crime rates are so low?
Control theory argues that throughout the home, the workplace and the general public women are under intense pressure to be good, chaste and compromising and are frightened by the concept of sexual violence. These constraints leave little room or time for women to commit crimes.
What did Dobash and Dobash (1979) find was the most common cause of male on female domestic violence?
Disputes over domestic labour performed by the woman.
How can Heidensohn’s control theory be evaluated accorng to herself?
w/c women are pushed into crime for other, non-gender based reasons.
How can Heidensohn’s control theory be evaluated according to Walklate (2001)?
Crimes most commonly committed by women (shoplifting and sex work) are more often than not motivated by economic factors over social factors.
What did Carlen (1988) find about the intersection of gender and class in a sample of 39 female offenders? How can this study be evaluated?
The most serious offenders tended to be working class. W/c women are under pressure from class and gender deals and, when the class deal (economic strife) outweighs the gender deal (be a subservient woman),women turn to crime. However, the tiny sample size makes the study prejudiced.
How did Heidensohn’s predecessor, Horschi (1969), use control theory to explore why women may turn to crime?
Social pressures stop mattering once other factors such as economic hardship become dire enough and women feel a weak enough attachment to jobs and family commitments that would otherwise deter them from crime.