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A sense of national consciousness that fosters its own affairs
Ethnic Nationalism
The desire of an ethnic group to preserve its own language, religion, and traditions through a strong political or geographic unit; the desire of an ethnic group for national independence
The movement by Russian nationalists to gain influence and power over Serbia by calling on the Dlavic people in the Balkans to unite under their leadership against Austria-Hungary
Pax Britannia
A period of general international peace under the military power of Britain
Economic Rivalry
Competition between nations to produce the greatest economic growth
Arms Race
The competition between rival states to gain superior military weapons and technology
A battleship introduced by Britain in 1906 that represented a revolution in naval shipbuilding
Triple Alliance
The alliance in 1882 of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy in an attempt to isolate France
Triple Entente
The 1907 alliance of Britain, France, and Russia in response to the rising powers of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy (The Triple Alliance)
Black Hand
The name of a Serbian secret society formed in 1911 that sought the union of Serb minorities in Austria-Hungary and Turkey with Serbs living in independent Serbia
A final proposal of term which, when rejected may end negotiations and result in a war
Schlieffen Plan
Germany’s military strategy in 1914 for attacking France through its unprotected Belgian border
An extremist wing of the Russian Democratic Party that opposed participation in the First World War. Led by Lenin, the party seized power during the Russian Revolution in 1917 and later became the Russian Communist Party
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
The treaty, signed in March 1918 between Germany and the Russian government under Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, that brought an end to the fighting between these two countries near the end of the First World War
A German submarine introduced during the First World War (unterseeboot)
Collective Security
A group of nations acting together to preserve peace through mutual defense and security
Fourteen Points
US president Wilson’s statement of principles that he believed should be the basis of the peace settlement at the end of the First World War
Compensation in money or materials paid to the victorious country by the defeated country for the damage inflicted by war
National Self-Determination
The free choice of a nation to establish its own political affairs
Demilitarized Zone
An area that is prohibited from military use
Treaty of Versailles
The peace settlement negotiated at the Paris Peace Conference that ended the First World War. Its terms included reparation payments, limitations on Germany’s military force, the surrender of German colonies, and the establishment of the League of Nations
Balance of Power
A distribution of power, such as military and economic power, among nations or groups of nations