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Chapter 1
She was very attractive, long brown hair with small flowers and a tiara.
She couldn't find her shoes.
Julieta did not respect Vanesa because Vanesa preferred her father.
Vanesa caused many problems, she was selfish and arrogant.
Vanesa wanted a good relationship with her mom.
Her bedroom: bathroom, bed, sofa, Tv and a large closet, disorganized.
Her dad has a lot of money.
Jorge was a police detective and was undercover in a cartel.
Chapter 2
Dress: elegant, pastel pink, long and had crystals
Julieta: short with long black hair and big black eyes, athletic and small
Vanesa: tall and attractive, brown eyes, not athletic
Her dad got injured, he got in a car crash.
She got a text message from her dad's friend Manuel "quick, escape before the cartel gets to your house"
Chapter 3
Julieta told Vanesa about her dad working for the cartel.
Vanesa packed a suitcase instead of a backpack.
Julieta was mad because Vanesa was wearing her quinceanera dress
Two men got out of a black car and went towards the house
Chapter 4
They were running away from the two men
- through the market
Vanesa changed out of her dress into pants and a shirt and they exited the market
Vanesa and Julieta were hiding under a table, the men asked the lady if a girl in a quinceanera dress came through and she said yes, she to went to the right, the men went right and Julieta and Vanesa escaped through the left
Chapter 5
The taxi driver got a text message "are Vanesa and Julieta in the taxi?" the driver was apart of the cartel
Julieta made Vanesa take out the flowers from her hair and take off her tiara
They got scared because a guy had a tiara but it was for his daughter
Vanesa respected her mom in that moment, not completely but a little bit
They went to Mr. Sandoval's who has a fast car
They left and went to Mexico D.F. then took a bus to Ciudad Juarez
Chapter 6
Vanesa wanted to eat but her mother wouldn't allow it
They ate, while they were eating two men walked into the restaurant and Vanesa noticed they were from the cartel
Berta and Vanesa ran out of the restaurant and into a house, Berta moved a sofa and there were stairs that Vanesa and Julieta went down and there was a tunnel, the men didn't find them or notice the stairs under the couch, at the end of the tunnel was a man and he took them in a car
Chapter 7
Edgar did not like Vanesa
In Colorado didn't have money so she had to work
Vanesa did not need to work because she was 15 years old but she needed to go to school
Vanesa did not need a uniform
the apartment: small, small kitchen, two bedrooms, small bathroom
Vanesa went to Centaurus High
School: did not have a large patio, students did not wear uniforms
Riky told her to sit by him
Riky: popular with the girls, brown eyes, tall, short black hair
Riky asked Vanesa if she wanted to go to the movies
Rikey asked where her house was and she didn't want him to know she lived in an apratment so she said in front of the school
Riky liked Vanesa because she was different
Riky invited her to eat
Chapter 8
They were at the restaurant and a girl from school, Monica, walked in
Riky was nervous
Monica invited Vanesa to her quinceanera
Monica was popular
Vanesa stole money from edgar so she could get a dress for Monica's party
Edgar said she had no friends and asked how she got the dress, she lied and said Riky got her the dress
Chapter 9
Riky and Vanesa were talking to eachother and looking at eavhother "romantically"
Monica's dad introduced Monica and Monica wanted to dance with Riky but he wasn't there
Monica was questioning Vanesa about her dad and her party
Vanesa got in a little fight with two other girls
It was asked of Monica if she would allow Vanesa to celebrate her 15 with her at her party
Julieta canceled Vanesa's party and Vanesa was furious
Monica was sad because Vanesa's dad had an accident
Chapter 10
Monica was sad because of Vanesa's dad
Monica showed Julieta the extra tiara and Julieta put it in Vanesa's hair
Vanesa then noticed she had a good relationship with her mom
Vanesa respected her mom and her mom also respected Vanesa
Vanesa was sad because her dad was not there to celebrate
A mysterious man walked into the party and Vanesa ran away because she thought he was part of the cartel
The mysterious man was her father
Julieta had Vanesa's shoes
Vanesa danced with her dad