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FLU (Latin)
To flow
Affluent (adj)
Wealth and privileged; well-to-do
Superfluous (adj)
Additional to what is necessary; extra
Mellifluous (adj)
Sweetly flowing or sounding
LEV (Latin)
Leaven (v)
To make less heavy or serious
Levity (n)
A lack of seriousness; jolly or joking manner
Alleviate (v)
To make less painful or dangerous
LAPS (Latin)
To slip; to slide
Elapse (v)
To slip away; go by
Collapse (n)
A complete failure and ruin
Relapse (n)
A falling back into an old illness or bad habit
CED (Latin)
To move along, to go
Recede (v)
To move back or away from
Concession (n)
Something given up or yielded
Cede (v)
To surrender
To follow
Inconsequential (adj)
Having no effect or importance
Consecutive (adj)
Following in order
Execution (n)
The way something is done
CUR, COUR (Latin)
To run
Courier (n)
One who carries and delivers
Incur (v)
To bring about
Recurrent (adj)
Happening repeatedly
GRAD (Latin)
To step
Gradulism (n)
A policy which involves taking slow, measured actions
Regress (v)
To go back to a less mature or less positive state
Digress (v)
To move away from the topic at hand; ramble
To walk
Amble (v)
To walk casually; to stroll
Ambulatory (adj)
Able to walk
Preamble (n)
A passage or speech which introduces another longer passage or speech
JUNCT (Latin)
To join, yoke
Enjoin (v)
To command; to urge
Enjoin (v)
To forbid
Injunction (n)
An order that legally prevents something
Rejoinder (n)
An answer; a reply
PART (Latin)
Impartial (adj)
unbiased; neutral
Partisan (adj)
Believing and acting on the ideas of a political party or group
Impart (v)
To give away; share
CLUS, CLUD (Latin)
To close
Inclusive (adj)
Containing all; not keeping any out
Inconclusive (adj)
Providing no clear answer or solution
Preclude (v)
To prevent from happening
CIS (Latin)
To cut
Precise (adj)
Accurate; definite
Indecisive (adj)
Unable to make choices
Incision (n)
A cut made into something