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non secus
just like
maestus, maesta, maestum
mourning, sad
vivo, vivere, vixi, victus
to be alive
gramen, graminis, n
grass, meadow
obliquus, obliqua, obliquum
slanting, zigzag
trepido, trepidare, trepidavi, trepidatus
to rush along
amoenus, amoena, amoenum
charming, pleasant
coemo, coemere, coemi, coemptus
to buy up
extruo, extruere, extruxi, extructus
to build up
cogo, cogere, coegi, coactus
to collect
cumba, cumbae, f
procella, procellae, f
violent wind, storm
diligo, diligere, dilexi, dilectus
to like, to esteem
careo, carere, carui
to miss, to be without
celsus, celsa, celsum
high, lofty
fulgur, fulguris, n
flash, lightning
taceo, tacere, tacui, tacitus
to be silent
angustus, angusta, angustum
velum, veli, n
veil, sail