Identify Critical SC Trading Partners
Review & Establish SC strategies for
Align SC Strategies with key SC process objectives
Develop internal performance measures for key processes
Assess & Improve internal integration of key SC processes
Develop SC performance measures for key processes
Assess & Improve external process integration & performance
Extend process integration to 2nd tier supply chain partners and beyond
Reevaluate annually for as required
Use trusted suppliers that provide a large share of the firm’s critical products and services
Identifying primary trading partners allows the firm the concentrate on managing links with these companies
Firms should map the network of primary trading partners
Parts purchased & suppliers
Manufacturing processes
Design of the products manufactured
Mode of transportation
Customer Relationship Management
Customer Service Management
Demand Management
Order Fulfillment
Manufacturing Flow Management
Supplier Relationship Management
Product Development and Commercialization
Returns Management
Sales forecast report: Annual sales, backlog, inventory
Demand planning: Translate demand in net requirements
Supply planning: Review production capacity and ability
Pre SOP meeting: Resolve issues, recommendations and alternative plans
Execute SOP meeting: Single company wide plan
Neutral position between sales and production
Sponsorship/representation on a senior management level
Do accountable, consult, inform matrix
Business processes/flow shemes
Communication structure/meeting
Functional description
KPI’s and bonus schemes
ICT application & IT system
Ordering in large lots
Large replenishment lead times
Rationing and shortage gaming
Failing to see the big picture and acting only in regard to a single department within the firm or a single firm within the supply chain.
The inability to easily share or retrieve trading partner information in real
time, as desired by the supply chain participants.
Unwillingness to work together or share information because of the fear that
the other party will take advantage of them or use the information unethically.
Exogenous risks: disruptions from outside SC: natural disasters and political turmoil
Endogenous risks: disruptions from inside SC: internal operational failure in the planning, sourcing, making and delivering of products or services to customers
Intentional risks: disruptions deliberately perpetuated to gain personal advantages and disrupt SC performance, whereas unintentional risks occur accidentally without the same underlying motivation
Risk affecting SC structures:
Supply-side risks: supplier downtime & quality problem,adverse relationship with suppliers due to cultural differences, suppliers insolvency and spare parts discontinuity
Manufacturing-side risks: subpar realization in operation planning. & demand-supply mismatches
Demand-side risk: deviation in demand volume and deviation of shipping requests from customers that require either delayed or expedited shipment
Risk disrupting flows of money: exchange rate fluctuations, trade credit risk and rating, and payment time variability
Risk disrupting flows of goods: forward-process blockage and reverse-process blockage in the remanufacturing model, supply chain disintermediation, port disruption, geographical traits, and poor transport infrastructure
Risk disrupting flow of information: sequential decision-making under uncertainty, incomprehension of supply and demand
Use of security badges and guards
Conducting background checks on applicants
Using anti-virus software and passwords
Shipment tracking technologies
Implement security system in response to attacks/emergencies
Creating an executive-level position such as director of corporate security
Develop formal and comprehensive approach for assessing the firm’s exposure to security risks
Use of cyber-intrusion detection systems
Development of freight security plans in collaboration with 3PLS
Active participation of employees in industry security associations and conferences
Full collaboration with key suppliers and customers in developing quick recovery and continuity plans for supply chain disruptions
Train participants to test the resilience of the SC to security disruptions
Use of emergency control center to manage responses to unexpected SC disruptions