Where do you add the code to add the title (the tab at the top) into your HTML page?
are examples of what?
What is the full intro tag to an HTML document?
Tag for adding an image?
What symbols indicate that text is a comment and not actual code?
<!-- -->
All code that will show up goes between these tags…
Which symbol indicates a closing tag in HTML?
Numbered list?
Bulleted list
List item
What's the difference between the headings h1 - h6?
The lower the number the bigger the heading.
What does rgb stand for?
Red, green, blue
What's the highest value of an rgb number?
What's the relationship between HTML and CSS?
HTML adds the content and structure. CSS adds the style.
The container for all of the HTML markup?
Contains the information about the webpage. Does not show in the webpages.
The text to display on the browser tab.
The container for the content that will be displayed on the webpage.
The biggest heading.
A subheading - the second biggest.
A paragraph
Bold text
Italic or emphasized text
A single bullet in a list.
A container for a bullet-point list.
A container for a numbered list.
Creates a table
table row
Defines a cell in a table
Defines a header cell in a table
These modify properties of an HTML tag…
This links the style sheet…
How to make a class
How to put a class in the style sheet
.top-img { height: 50px; border-radius: 5px; margin: 10px; border-style: dotted; border-color: cadetblue; }
you put a . in front before
The id attribute
Is used to single out just one element for a rule-set.
How to implement an id attribute
How to put the id in the style-sheet
#notes { float: right; width: 100px; background-color: white; box-shadow: 6px 6px gray; }
you put a # in front before