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Who is Habermas?
What are the qualities of an image?
vivid and concrete
Public sphere
the arena in which society continually produces itself by managing the symbolic resources of knowledge and power that set the conditions for the community. (discursive space
How did the public sphere develop according to Habermas?
developed from the bourgeois public sphere from revolutionary France.
What is needed for the public sphere to function smoothly? (Habermas
It must be accessible to all citizens
There must be access to information.
The means to transmit information must be accessible to those who can be influenced by it.
There must be institutional guarantees for a public sphere to exist
Why is the public sphere important? (4 points made)
the guarantee of freedom
of assembly and association and the freedom to express and publish their opinions
— about matters of general interest
What are the flaws with Habermas’ ideal of the public sphere?
excludes people who don’t follow hegemonic power (not influenced by it).
formed by people coming together to discuss common concerns, including concerns about who they are and what they should do.
What is the difference between strong and weak publics?
strong publics encompass both opinion formation and decision making, while weak ones are only opinion forming.
What is a counterpublic?
parallel discursive arenas where members of subordinated social groups invent and circulate counterdiscourse to formulate oppositional interpretations of their identities, interests and needs.
What is the difference between a counterpublic sphere and a public sphere?
a counterpublic is a public sphere, even though it is not perceived as the public sphere.
What is a cyberpublic?
a public online (e.g social media)
Public screen
the constant circulation of symbolic action enabled by the relatively new media technologies of television, computers, photography, film, internet, and smart phones.
Who was Isocrates?
a minor philosopher and sophist
What are the four view of rhetoric?
Constitutive view (Gorgias)
Moral/Philosophical View (plato)
Scientific/philisophical view (aristotle)
Practical/Educational view (Isocrates)
What are the three basic elements of rhetorical skill? (Isocrates)
Rhetoric cannot teach arete
rhetors who want to be effective will project the morals/ethics of an audience
those who do will practice morals regularly and make them a habit.
virtue; what we fufill
Practical wisdom
Fitness of the occasion
What is rhetoric’s connection to ethics or morality?
cannot teach ehtics or morals but enhance it.
What do all rhetors enact when engaging in rhetoric?
a persona
What are the five facets of a persona?
What is mystification?
When the rhetor distances themselves form the audience to give themselves more authority over them.
the physical and or behavioral attributes that make a person recognizable as a member of a group.
What is strategic essentialism?
the process of making an identity ingredient the core part of one’s persona, which legitimizes the right to speak.
What is social power?
coercive power
reward power
expert power
legitimate power
referent power
What are the five types of social power?
coercive power
reward power
legitimate power
expert power
referent power
Enclaved Publics
publics that conceal their anti establishment ideas and strategies in order to avoid sanctions, but internally produce lively debate and planning.
Networked public screen
captures how image events, iconic and every day, are produced and circulated in a networked mediascape
Networked publics
interconnected publics and counter publics formed or strengthened as a result of the communication practices enabled by the internet and social media.
Oscillating publics
publics that exist to engage in debate with outsiders and to test ideas.
Strong publics
publics whose discourse encompasses both opinion formation and decision making.
What are weak publics?
publics whose deliberative practice consists exclusively of opinion formation and does not also encompass decision-making
What is ethos?
the character of a rhetor performed in the rhetorical act and known by the audience because of prior interactions.
a verbal and visual representation, emphasizing particular qualities and characteristics, that creates a perception of the rhetor in the audience’s minds.
the nature of identity as multiplicative rather than additive
What is performance?
all the activity of a given participant on a given occasion which serves to influence in any way any of the other participants.
the ethos, roles, identity, and image a rhetor constructs and performs (or that others construct for a rhetor to perfrom) during a rhetorical act.
the multiple meanings of a single text.
multitude of valuations (understandings)
What is postmodernism?
the theory that places into question singular explanations, meta narratives, categories, and the certainty of supposedly objective interpretations of the world.