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En el primer plano
In the foreground
Al Fondo
In the backround
En la parte superior
At the top
En la parte inferior
At the bottom
A la derecha
on the right
A la izquierda
On the left
En la parte central
Me parece que
It seems that
Desde mi punto de vista,
From my point of view
Creo que ..
I believe that ...
Considero que ...
I think that
En mi opinión,
In my opinion
Me parece importante señalar
I think it is important to point out
En cuanto a
In regard to
Me da la impresión que
I have the impression that
Según entiendo,
As far as I understand it
Lo que yo sé es que
As far as I know
La foto me recuerda a
The photo reminds me of
La foto me hace pensar en
The photo makes me think of
En contraste,
in contrast
Sin embargo
nevertheless, however
Por un lado/Por otro lado
on the one hand/on the other hand
A pesar que
In spite of, despite
Dudo que
I doubt that
No es cierto que
it's not true that
Estoy de acuerdo con
I agree
No estoy de acuerdo con
I don't agree with
A lo mejor
maybe, perhaps
Además de eso
after all, besides that
Fíjese que
get this... (note that)
La verdad es que
the truth is that
Estoy convencido/a que
I'm convinced that
Es evidente que
it's evident that
En primer lugar/ En segundo lugar
in the first place, in the second place
Es una pena que
it's a shame that
Desde mi punto de vista
from my point of view
Para explicar
to explain
Es decir
that is to say
Por ejemplo
for example
Lo que quiero decir es
my point is
Finalmente/ para terminar/ por último
En conclusión
in conclusion
Para resumir
to summarize, to conclude
esperar que
to hope that something happens
esperar + infinitive
to hope to do something yourself
to wait, wait for, hope, expect
ya sea
o sea/ es decir
you know, I mean (as a filler) / in other words
de hecho
actually, as a matter of fact
to appeal to / to please
to matter
to fascinate
to love / enchant
to bother
to annoy
to impress
to hurt
to sadden
to bore
para serle sincero (a)
to be honest with you
to tolerate
I would like...
including, even
¡No me lo puedo creer!
I can't believe it!
well, (used like porque - because)
¡Qué bueno que + subjunctive!
it's good that
Imagínese usted
just imagine, actually
acabar de
to have just...