what is the definition of economic development
the process of increasing the wealth and quality of life within a country
what is the definition of sustainable aid
aid that meets the need of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
what is an example of sustainable aid
helping farmers by investing in irrigation instead of just providing short term provisions such as food
what is conditional tied aid
aid that is given with strings attached
how to calculate GNI per capita
a country’s income / population
what is an advantage of GNI per capita
its quick and simple to calculate
what is a disadvantage of GNI per capita
it doesn’t take into account inequality within a country
what kind of development indicator is GNI per capita
what is charitable aid
aid given by non profit organisation (usually small scale)
what are patterns of emerging developing countries (EDCs)
increase in individualism
increase in infrastructure
how is the amount of internet users used as a development indicator
economic indicator
mirrors economic development status
what are patterns of advanced countries (ACs)
increasing commercialisation
mass consumption
technological advances
high incomes - majority working in tertiary and quaternary sector jobs
what are patterns of low income developing countries (LIDCs)
majority working in primary sector
need for infrastructure advances
lower incomes
society based around families and communities
how does HDI work
measures socioeconomic development
main criteria:
mean years of schooling
life expectancy at birth
expected years of schooling
GNI per capita
what is an advantage of using HDI as a development indicator
it shows government spending on people within a society
what is a disadvantage of using HDI as a development indicator
it doesn’t take into account inequality within a country
what is an advantage of using amount of internet users as a development indicator
it shows the development of technological infrastructure
what is a disadvantage of using amount of internet users as a development indicator
it doesn’t take into account inequality within a country
how does colonialism causes uneven development
steal profit from natural resources
leave LIDCs overly reliant on natural resources
creates one-sided trade relationship
promotes infrastructure in areas instead of nation wide
how do natural resources cause uneven development
over reliance on natural resources can lead to unstable economy - prices of natural resources fluctuate regularly
causes conflict within a country and with other countries - countries want to possess rights to resources
what is bilateral aid
government aid given from one country to another
what is the definition of environmental development
the improvement in the use and conservation of the natural world
what is emergency short term aid
aid given immediately after a natural disaster
what is multilateral aid
aid given by organisations such as world bank. they’re funded by many countries
what is the definition of social aid
the improvement of the well-being of every individual within a society so they can reach their full potential