4 basics management functions
decision making
Financial Accounting
to record and summarize transactions to produce periodic financial statements.
Management Accounting
is focused on the use of financial data to assist managers in making decisions.
Balance Sheet
a document that represents the financial position of an organization at a particular point. It represents an organization’s assets, liabilities, and equity.
represent the resources of the organization.
are the obligations that an organization has to creditors.
Owner’s Equity
represents the “book value” of the organization.
Income Statement
presents the financial results of an organization over a stated period of time.
Accrual Accounting
revenues are recognized or reflected in an income statement when they are earned, not when they are collected.
Cash Basis Accounting
revenues are not reflected until the cash payment is received and expenses are not reflected until payment is made for the purchase.
reflect the earnings of the organization, both billed and unbilled, and collected or yet to be collected.
are recognized as charges to the income statement as they are incurred.
•the value of merchandise that has been purchased for resale or for inclusion in the value of merchandise that is to be sold, but is at the date of the financial report, as yet unsold.
Property, plant, and equipment
represent assets that have been purchased that are to be used in the revenue producing activities of the organization.
Accrued Liabilities
represent the accumulation of costs which have been incurred in operations, but which are not yet due for payment.
represents the periodic charges of costs to recapture the value of property, plant and equipment in terms that have been purchased and assigned to the balance sheet as long-term assets.
Ratio analysis
Analysis of financial statements
Ratio Analysis groups
Liquidity Ratios
Debt-Equity Ratios
Profitability Indicators
Liquidity Ratios
used to determine the organization’s ability to meet short-term debt obligations.
Debt-Equity Ratios
used to determine an organization’s ability to meet long-term debt.
Profitability Indicators
such as Return on Investment (ROI) demonstrate the organization’s efficiency of operations.
Internal ratios (8)
•Total cost per billable test
•Direct cost per billable test
•Technical labor cost per billable test
•Billable tests per labor cost
•Billable tests per patient admission
•Revenue per billable test
•Profit margin per billable test
Return on Investment (ROI) definiton
profitability ratio used to determine the organization’s efficiency of operations.
ROI equation
profit margin x assets turnover
Breakeven aka Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) definition
Breakeven analysis allows for the projection of costs and revenues given variability in volume and pricing, and provides the necessary information to make decisions regarding potential changes in business operations.
Breakeven (CVP) equation
Total Fixed Cost ÷ Contribution Margin/test
What is paramount to achieving fiscal success of an organziation
Planning process and control of operations through sound internal planning and proper budgeting
determine a organizations
2 types of costs
Direct costs includes
fixed costs: constant regardless of volume
Variable costs: vary with volume
Labor costs: falls under fixed or variable depending on type of compensation
Indirect costs examples
HR, facility maintenance