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what are nanoparticles
tiny spherical materials between 1-100 nanometres
why do bulk material’s properties differ from those of bulk materials
due to their small size and increased surface area to volume ratio, leading to significant changes in physical, chemical and optical behaviours
what is bottom up fabrication
builds nanoparticles atom by atom or molecule by molecule
what is top down fabricatioin
breaking down bulk materials into nano particles
advantage and disadvantage of bottom up
uniform and high quality nanoparticles and high processing temps
advantage and disadvantage of top down fabrication
cheap and simple and can lead to irregular particle sizes
what is a carbon nanotube
a cylindrical nano structure made of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. the carbon nanotube has immense strength but despite being strong, it is also very light weight meaning it has a low density. carbon nanotubes are used in vehicles because of their strength and light weight.
why are silver nanoparticles more active than silver cutlery
they have a smaller size and a larger surface area, they have better cellular interaction and they also have higher reactivity.
applications of silver nanoparticles
they are used in antibacterial agents, cosmetics and senseors.
explain why nano devices are more effective and less dangerous than silver nanoparticles for cancer treatment
they target cancer cells, they deliver drugs precisely and they reduce side effects, whereas silver nanoparticles are mainly used for antimicrobial purposes and lack the same targeting capabilities. they also have a higher risk rate and they could potentially negatively impact healthy cells instead of the cancer cells, therefore not effective for drug delivery
explain why nano composites are made
they are made to enhance the properties of materials by combining nanoparticles with bulk materials, improving characteristics such as strength, flexibility, conductivity and resistance.
application for nano composites
they can be used in tennis racquets to improve durability and shock absorption.
explain a safety risk of nanoparticles
they are highly toxic and can negatively effect us through inhalation, ingestion or absorbtion throught the skin.
list 2 methods of reducing risk of manufacturing nanoparticles
you can reduce the risks through containment and ventilation and wearing protective equipment.