Chapter 5 - Business Objectives

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________ are people who have a direct interest in the performance & activities of a business.

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social enterprise

A(n) ________ has social objectives as well as am aim to make a profit to reinvest back into the business.

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Job security

________- workers dont want to look for new jobs frequently.

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Financial objectives

________: To make a profit to invest back into the social enterprise to expand the social work that it performs.

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Business objectives

________ gives workers & managers a clear target to work towards.

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Social objectives

________: to provide jobs & support for disadvantaged groups in society, such as the disabled or homeless.

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Business Objectives

A business objective is an aim or a target that a business collectively works towards

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Increasing share price

managers can try to achieve this not just by making profits but by putting plans in place that give the business a good chance of growth & higher profits in the future

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Social objectives

to provide jobs & support for disadvantaged groups in society, such as the disabled or homeless

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Environmental objectives

To protect the environment

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Financial objectives

To make a profit to invest back into the social enterprise to expand the social work that it performs

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meet profit targets set by the govt

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Provide a service to the public & meet quality targets set by the govt

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Protect or create employment in certain areas → especially poorer regions with higher level or unemployment

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Job security

workers dont want to look for new jobs frequently

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Expect all firms to stay with the law

law affects business activity

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Business objective

Helps to make a business successful (but doesn't guarantee success). This gives workers & managers motivation & clearer targets

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Business Survival

Most important for new-start ups or when economy is moving into recession. New competitors also cause insecurity

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the total income of a business (revenue) minus total costs

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Market share percentage =

(Company sales / total market sakes) x 100

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Social enterprises

Businesses run by private individuals, but they have social (providing jobs for the disadvantaged) & environmental goals

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A person or a group of people with a direct interest in the performance & activities of a business. They can be external & internal

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Returns to shareholder

The managers of a company often set the objective of increasing returns to shareholders. This is done to discourage shareholders from selling their shares & helps the managers to keep their jobs

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Growth can only be achieved when

the customers are satisfied the product / service provided

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Social objectives

To provide jobs & support disadvantageous groups in society

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Environmental Objectives

To protect the environment

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Financial Objectives (for social enterprises)

To make a profit to invest back into the social enterprise to expand the social work that it performs

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