did medieval monarchs struggle to exert royal authority
who stood at the head of medieval society
did monarchs have limited power
nobles have as much or more power than who
nobles and church had their own..
courts, taxes and army
what happened from 1100 to 1300
the power balance began shifting towards monarchs
how did monarchs shift the power toward themselves
system of royal justice, organized bureaucracies, developed tax systems, built armies, and strengthened ties to townspeople
what germanic tribe conquered the roman colony of britain
anglo saxons
which man did the council of nobles choose as the new king after king edward
who was harold
kind edwards brother in law who died without an heir
who claimed rights to the kind edwards throne
edwards french cousin
when did william of normandy become king
1066, christmas day
what is the domesday book
a complete census and this helped william build an efficient tax system
why did william want the domesday book
to expand control over his new lands
what happened in 1154
Henry II inherited the throne
what did henry II do
broadened system of royal justice
what is common law
legal system based on customs and court rulings that applied to everyone
where were disputes handled
the royal court
what is an exchequer
a royal or national treasury
what did the magna carta do
contained habeas corpus and the due process of law
what is due process of law
its the requirement that the government act fairly in accordance to the law
what is the habeas corpus
a person cannot be held in prison without first being charged
what did parliament evolve from
the great council
what was the great council
a council of people who gave the king advice
what did edward I do
added representatives of common people
who were the reps edward added
two knights from each county and representatives from the town
what is bicameral
two houses
what were the two houses in parliament
the house of lords and house of commons
what is the power of the purse
means they provide money and accept requests
what happened in 1066
william the conquerer (william of normandy) took over england
when did hugh capet take over the french throne
why did the nobles choose hugh capet
they thought he was weak and controllable
what was hugh capet the count of
what things did hugh capet do to increase royal power
made throne hereditary, created bureaucracy, won support of the church, and added to royal lands
when did phillip II become king
how did phillip II reform the government
he payed middle class citizens to partake in government positions
what did phillip II grant to new towns
what did phillip II introduce
national tax
how did phillip II increase royal land
trickery, diplomacy, and war
who did louis IX persecute
heretics and jews
where did louis IX lead his knights
in two crusades
what did louis IX do
checked on local admin, expanded royal courts, ended serfdom, outlawed private wars
who was phillip IV (the fair)
louis IX’s grandson
who did phillip the fair fight with
boniface VIII
why did phillip the fair get into a quarrel
over clergy taxes
a frenchman was elected pope and then what
he moved the court to avignon and then another pope in rome was elected
who created the estates general
phillip IV (the fair)
what is the estates general
representatics body of clergy, nobles, and townspeople
who is king john
son of henry the first
who did king john lose normandy and anjou to
king phillip II
who did king john battle with over appointing a new archbishop
Innocent III
since john didnt do what the pope wanted what happened
he was excommunicated and the kingdom was placed under an interdict
who signed the magna carta
king john
what is magna carta latin for
the great charter
the holy roman empire started and ended when?
what was the holy roman empire
an attempt to revive the roman empire
when did otto I rule
what was otto I the duke of
what did otto I do
appointed bishops to gov jobs, helped pope defeat rebellions
henry IV became king and then who
what did gregory VII (the pope) ban
lay investiture
what is lay investiture
the practice where an emperor invested bishops with the ring and staff of the office
what happened when gregory VII banned lay investiture
only pope had the right to appoint and install bishops
why was henry IV mad about gregory VIIs choice
he thought bishops held their lands as royal fiefs and owed him their loyalty
henry IV fought with who?
gregory VII
why did many princes side with gregory
it would ultimately give them more power
what happened in 1076
gregory VII excommunicated henry IV
henry IV apologized to gregory VII why?
he wanted to save his throne
did gregory VII know henry IV was lying?
yes but he still had to accept the apology
henry IV returned and did what to gregory VII
subdued his nobles then forced gregory into exile
what was signed to settle henry IV and gregory VIIs dispute
the concordat of worms
when was the concordat of worms signed
in 1122
what is the concordat of worms
the church had the power to elect and invest bishops while the emperor still invested them with fiefs