Health Psychology
Study of how psychological, behavioral, and cultural factors contribute to physical health and illness.
Response of the body and mind to challenges or demands
Events or conditions that trigger stress by challenging an individual’s ability to cope/adjust
Positive stress that enhances motivation, performance, and well-being
Negative stress that decreases motivation, impairs performance, and leads to emotional and physical problems
Daily Hassles
Minor irritations that occur regularly
Significant Life Changes
Major events that require adaptations
Unpredictable, large-scale events that cause widespread stress
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Stressful/traumatic events in childhood that have a significant effect on health and well-being
General Adaption Syndrome (GAS)
3-stage response to stress that includes alarm, resistance, and exhaustion that explain how the body reacts and adapts to stress over time
Alarm Reaction Phase
Initial stage of GAS where the body reacts to a stressor with the fight or flight response
Fight-Flight-Freeze Response
Physiological reaction to perceived threats the prepares the body to fight, flee, or freeze to enhance survival
Resistance Phase
Second stage of GAS where the body tries to adapt and cope with a stressor, causing heightened alertness and stress hormones
Exhaustion Phase
Final stage of GAS where the body's resources are depleted after prolonged stress, causing decreased stress tolerance and potential health issues
Tend-and-Befriend Theory
Behavioral reaction to stress that involves nurturing activities to protect oneself and one's offspring and seeking social support to reduce stress
Problem-Focused Coping
Directly managing or solving source of stress to reduce its impact
Emotion-Focused Coping
Managing emotional response to stress rather than changing the situation itself
Positive Psychology
Scientific study of human flourishing to help individuals and communities to thrive
Subjective Well-Being
Self-perceived happiness or satisfaction with life
The ability to adapt and recover quickly from difficulties or changes and maintain well-being in the face of adversity
Posttraumatic Growth
Positive psychological changes after struggling with highly challenging life circumstances, bringing upon a higher level of functioning
Positive Emotions
Feelings that foster enjoyment, interest, and contentment and contribute to overall well-being and happiness
Appreciation of what is powerful and meaningful to one's self
Signature Strengths and Virtues
Core characteristics a person naturally possesses and expresses
A signature strength/virtue that is characterized by the ability to make sound decisions based on understanding and experience
A signature strength/virtue that is characterized by the mental/moral strength to persevere and withstand fear, difficulty, etc. and face challenges while according with values despite risks
A signature strength/virtue that is characterized by being compassionate, empathetic, and supportive towards others
A signature strength/virtue that is characterized by commitment to fairness, equity, and advocating for the rights of others
A signature strength/virtue that is characterized by self-regulation and control over excesses and impulses and balance and motivation in personal behavior and relationships
A signature strength/virtue that is characterized by the ability to connect to the larger universe and find meaning beyond oneself