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Lax parents
Lots of warmth
No rules
Authoritarian parents
Tough parents
No warmth
Lots of rules
Authoritative parents
Middle-ground parents
Lots of warmth
Reasonable rules
Harry Harlow
Discovered that monkeys prefered the figure that resembled a comforting mother than the figure that fed them
Erik Erikson
Psychosocial Stages of Development
Trust vs. Mistrust
Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt
Initiative vs. Guilt
Industry vs. Inferiority
Identity vs. Role Confusion
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Generativity vs. Stagnation
Integrity vs. Dispair
Zone of proximal development
The space between what a child is capable of doing unsupported and what the child cannot do even with support
Parents can provide “scaffolding”
Lev Vygotsky
Moral development stages
Preconventional: avoiding punishment
Conventional: right vs. wrong (society)
Post conventional: internal values
Carol Gilligan
Criticized Kohlberg’s moral development theory by pointing out how he failed to account for the differences b/t girls & boys
Studied by Konrad Lorenz: attachment between infant animals and individuals or things seen during a critical period
Secure attatchments
Parent present: explore
Parent leaving: distressed
Parent return: consoled quickly
Avoidant attachments
Parent present: inhibited
Parent leaving: not distressed
Parent return: ignore
Parent present: stormy
Parent leaving: extreme distress
Parent return: act like they want comfort but don’t accept it
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
Leading cause of development disorder
Moderate & severe drinking of a pregnant mother
Cognitive problems, CNS problems, fetal death
Small skulls, mental retardation
A substance that interferes with normal fetal development and causes congenital disabilities
Drugs, alcohol, chemicals etc
Thalidomide, rubella
A human teratogen that led to tons of birth defects in the 50s-60s
Creator of sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational stages
Babies use senses
Object permanence
Birth - 2 years
Preoperational stage
Begin using language and understanding symbols
Theory of mind
Concrete operations
Children begin to think logically
Mental operations
Formal operational
Abstract reasoning
Social clocks
The cultural timeline for important social milestones of a person's life
Unspoken pressures that individuals face to accomplish certain goals
Having a kid, getting married, etc
The fertilized egg, which goes through three distinct phases of gestation prior to birth
Germinal - zygote undergoes cell division (0-2 weeks)
Embryonic - organ formation (3-8 weeks)
Fetal - sexual differentiation (9 weeks-birth)
Smiling at parents
Sitting w/o support
Walk unassisted
First words
Rooting & sucking reflex
A baby turns its face to where something touched it & puts the object in its mouth
The baby sucks on an object placed in its mouth
Grasping & mono reflex
A baby will grasp at something put in their hands/foot
When started, a baby will fling its arms out and quickly retract them
Babinski reflex
When a baby’s foot is stroked, it’ll spread the toes
Cellular clock theory
Cells have a maximum # of divisions before they can’t divide anymore
Kubler Ross’s stages of death and grief
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.