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what was the treaty of versailles?
the treaty that ended the war between Germany and the allies
when was it signed?
June 28th, 1919
how many months of negotiations did it take for the terms to be agreed upon?
6 months
what was the main term of the treaty?
the war guilt clause
what was the war guilt clause?
Germany had to take full responsibility for the war which also meant that they were responsible for paying the full cost of the war
how much of its territory did germany lose in the treaty?
gemrnays territorial losses also meant they lost…
over 1 million square miles of land
what were notable areas that they lost?
the saar, the Sudetenland and the city of Danzig which cut off germanys access to the sea
what happened to germanys overseas colonies?
they were annexed by the allies and either became independent or controlled by the allies
germany had to give back the land they had taken from…
France and Belgium
Germany was also forced to recognise the independence of…
Poland and renounce any rights to the land
how did the treaty restrict gemrnays military?
germany had to demobilise its army and could have no more than 100,000 soldiers, conscription was abolished and all paramilitary groups were banned
what was the German army not allowed?
an air force or submarines
what happened to the Rhineland?
it was demilitarised and occupied by French soldiers
why was the treaty so harsh towards germanys military?
they wanted to ensure that they were incapable of offensive action
what was the economic cost of the war like for Germany?
because they had agreed to the war guilt clause, they were responsible for paying the total cost of the war
what was the total cost of the war?
£6.6 billion
hese reparations could not be paid in German marks and instead had to be paid in…
gold or goods (raw or manufactured)
what did the germany economy have to do onto of paying for reparations?
recover from the war