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Who is Caieta?
Aeneas' nurse
Who is Circe?
Who is Erato?
Who is Faunus?
Prophet in Latium
Who is Turnus?
King of the Rutulians
Who is Amata?
Queen of the Latins
Who is Laomedon?
Trojan king
Who is Scylla?
Six headed monster
Who is Charybdis?
Who is Bellona?
goddess of war
Who is Hecuba?
Priam's wife
Who is Allecto?
Who is Pluto?
Who is Calybe?
Priestess of Juno who Allecto disguises as
Who is Mezentius?
Hated ex-leader of the Etrustcans
Who is Lausus?
Mezentius' son
Who is Rhea?
Kronos' wife
Who is Hippolytus?
Theseus' son
Who is Phaedra?
wife of Theseus
Who is Asclepius?
god of healing
What is the Chimera?
three-headed monster
Who is Camila?
Volscian warrior
Which island do the Trojans skirt at the beginning of the book?
Who is Lavinia?
Latinus' daughter
Who is Latinus?
King of the Latins
Who was Latinus' dad?
Who did Amata want Lavinia to marry?
What were the portents surrounding Aeneas' arrival in book seven?
Swarm of bees around the laurel tree, Lavinia's hair catching fire
What does Iulus say that lets Aeneas know they are in the right place?
"look we are eating even our tables!"
How does Aeneas respond to Iulus' first words?
"Hail to the land owed to me by the Fates!"
How does Jupiter respond to Iulus first words?
"All-powerful Father thundered clear three times from the heights of the sky"
What did Aeneas order 100 men - one from every rank - to do?
Go to the walls of Latinus bearing Athene's olive branches
How did Latinus speak to the Trojans?
Which Trojan addressed Latinus in his palace?
What does Aeneas offer Latinus as gifts (through Ilioneus)?
"some small relics of his former fortunes rescued from the flames of Troy...the sceptre of Priam...his sacred head-dress..."
How many horses does Latinus give them?
How does Juno react to this new-found friendship?
"they must think my divine powers are exhausted and discredited, or that I have glutted my appetite for hatred and am now at peace"
What does Juno declare she will do now that Aeneas is being welcomed?
"cut the subjects of those kings to pieces"
What is Allecto's epithet?
"bringer of grief"
What does Juno instruct Allecto to do?
"shatter this peace they have agreed between them and sow the seeds of recrimination and war."
What does throwing a snake into Amata's breast cause?
"a horror driving her to frenzy"
What rhetorical question does Amata say to Latinus after being inspired by Allecto?
"Is this not how the Phyrgian shepherd wormed his way into Sparta...?"
Which quote shows Amata's new madness?
"unhappy Amata, driven out of her mind by her monstrous affliction, raged in a wild frenzy..."
Who does Amata claim is only worthy of Lavinia?
As Calybe, what does Allecto say to Turnus?
"If king Latinus does not agree to obey this command and allow you this marriage...he must in the end face Turnus with his armour on."
How does Turnus initially react to Allecto?
"war is the business of men"
After Allecto inspires him, what lust rages within Turnus?
"lust for battle raged within him."
What is Iulus doing?
Who's stag did Ascanius shoot?
Who was the first man dead?
Almo, the oldest son of Tyrrhus
Who died second and what was he doing?
Old Galaesus who trying to make peace
What does Allecto say to Juno after sowing the seeds of war?
"I shall do more than this."
What does Juno respond to Allecto after she says she can do more?
"There is enough terror and lying. The causes of war are established."
What does Turnus proclaim to the Latins about the Trojans?
"their own Latin blood would be adulterated by Phyrgians"
After war is established, what does Latinus say to Turnus?
"You are the guilty one, Turnus, and a grim punishment lies in store for you"
What is Latinus' attitude to war?
"recoiled from this wickedness"
Who opened the gates instead?
What does the book end with?
Catalogue of Italian troops
Who is the first warrior we meet in the catalogue?
Who is the second warrior we meet in the catalogue?
Who are the third warriors we meet in the catalogue?
Catillus and Coras
Who is the fifth warrior we meet in the catalogue?
Who is the sixth warrior we meet in the catalogue?
Who is the seventh warrior we meet in the catalogue?
Who is the eight warrior we meet in the catalogue?
Who is the ninth warrior we meet in the catalogue?
Which priest came from Marruvium?
Who is the tenth warrior we meet in the catalogue?
Which quote depicts Turnus in the centre of the troops, poised for battle?
"Turnus himself, in full armour, the fairest of them all, and taller by a head than all the others."
Who is the final warrior we meet in the catalogue?
What do we learn is dear to Allecto's heart?
"Dear to her heart were the horrors of war, anger, treachery and vicious accusations"
Which quote shows Amata's inspiration being brutal?
"slithered all over her body. While the first infection of the liquid venom was still oozing through all her senses and winding the fire about her bones"
Which oxymoron describes Allecto?
"Smoking with black light"
What does Allecto do to the horn?
"She sounded the herdsman's signal with a loud call on the curved horn"
What is Turnus characterised by?
His illiadic Kleos