Includes: Biological Abnormal Cognitive Clinical Research Methods
basic blocks of nervous system
Semantic encoding
new information can be remembered with the help of old information
cell body
the cell’s life, the support center
extensions that both get and give messages.
passes messages through its branches
Myelin sheath
messages are sent faster node to node
Glial cell
cells that support, protect, and remember
Action potential
impulse that travels down the axon
stimulation needed to make trigger impulses
Refractory period
a resting pause for neurons
All -or- nothing response
neurons either they fire a response or don’t
space between the axon tips
crosses gap to receptor sites
when the sending neuron reabsorbs a message
transmitters that are linked to pain an pleasure
a molecule that increases transmitter action
mole that decreases transmitter action
nervous system
communication network that takes in information
Central nervous system
is connected to the brain and spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system
the sensory and motor neurons
cables that connect the nervous system
sensory (afferent) neurons
they carry messages from sensory receptors
information that is processed by sensory input and motor out put
somatic nervous system
allows for control of our muscles
Autonomic nervous system
controls glands and our internal organ muscles
sympathetic nervous system
enables fight or flight response
an automatic response to everything
endocrine system
the body’s “slow” chemical communication system
another form of chemical communication system
Adrenal glands
found above the kidneys, releases epinephrine and norepinephrine
Pituitary gland
regulates growth and controls endocrine glands
naturally or experimentally destruction of brain tissue
EEG (electroencephalogram organ)
amplified readout of electrical activity
MEG (magnet Encep holograph)
technique that measures magnetic fields
CT (computed tomography) scan
examens the brain by taking pictures with x-rays
PET (positron emission tomography) scan
Shows brain activity in each area of the brain, uses radioactive to see inside your brain
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan
the ____ scan aligns with the spinning atoms and brain molecules
fMRI (functional MRI)
can reveals the brain’s functioning structure
the brain’s oldest and innermost region
connection between the brain stem and spinal cord
the brain’s sensory control center
Reticular formation
neuron network, begins at spinal cord
the “little brain” at the rear of the brain stem
Limbic system
contains the amygdala, hypothalamus, and hippocampus
linked to aggression and fear
command chain of body maintenance
process memories, shrinks as we age
Cerebral cortex
a thin layer of interconnected neutral cells
Frontal lobes
controls speaking, movement, judgment, and organization
Parietal lobes
receives sensory input from what we touch
Occipital lobes
receives information from visual fields
Temporal lobes
receives information from hearing
motor cortex
an area that controls voluntary movement
Somatosensory Cortex
process touch and movement sensations
Association areas
involved in high mental functions
the brain’s ability to change
existing tissue tries to fix its self
Corpus Callosum
fibers that connect the two brain hemispheres together
split brain
fibers that used to connect the two hemisphere
awareness of oneself and environment
cognitive neuroscience
the study of the brain and one’s mental process
Dual processing
information processed consciously or unconsciously
response to something visual, without exprience
Parallel processing
mind takes care of an everyday routine
Sequential processing
best for solving new problems
behavior genetics
studies a person’s power, genetic limitations, and environment
the genetic transfer of characteristics
the people and things around us
DNA molecules that contain genes
Complex molecules that contains chromosomes
Angular gyrus
the voice inside your head, what you hear when you are reading
small segments of DNA molecules
Identical twins
a single fertilized egg, split into 2
Fraternal twins
developed from two different eggs
how genes and experiences form people.
the study of molecular mechanisms (triggers).That are influences by environmental influences on gene expression.
Molecular genetics
genes together orchestrate complex traits.
Evolutionary psychology
focus on what makes us people similar.
Natural selection
traits that are best for survival.
random errors in gene replication.
Social script
guides people in certain situations.
Paul Broca
damage to area effects speaking.
Roger Sperry
found that there are two sides in the human brain.
Michael Gazzaniga
believed that the brain experiences the word differently.
Charles Darwin
came up with natural selection, the idea of evolution (survival of the fittest)
complete instructions for making complete organisms.
parasympathetic nervous system
conserves energy, calms you down after fight or flight.
Motor (efferent) neurons
instructions from central nervous system.
dissociative identity disorder
person that exhibits distinct alternating personalities.
dissociative disorders
person’s conscious separations of painful memories.
Antianxiety drugs
depress central nervous system activity.
Aaron Beck
changing how people think and their functioning.
Albert Ellis
creator of rational-emotive behavior therapy.
Joseph Wolpe
refined Jones’ technique to exposure therapy.
Mary Cover Jones
associate something fear-evoking with something pleasurable.
Carl Rogers
developed/named client-centered therapy, also is one of the founders of humanistic psychology
Post traumatic growth
positive changes after a life crisis
ability to cope and recover from adversity
used to calm uncontrollable patients
surgery that removes and destroys brain tissue