Physical/ Biological
Cultural/ Social
1787- he excavated a Native mound on his property
Used stratigraphy
Used systematic trenching
2,500 years ago
King Nabonidus of Babylonia
Excavated ancient objects from the Sumerian period (2,000 years prior to King N)
Displayed in his personal museum
No longer nomadic
Agricultural production
Animal domestication
More advanced tools (axes and adzes)
Home construction, pottery, sewing, weaving
Shaped by pecking, grinding, smoothing or polishing one stone against another
Used for food processing
Mortar and pestle looking thing
Usually subdivided into the striking platform and the rest of the dorsal surface
Distal portion
Medial portion
Proximal portion
Acquisition of stone
Manufacturing- tools are intentionally shaped via fracture and abrasion (flintknapping and pressure flaking)
Use and distribution
Disposal and/or repurpose of broken tool
Adoption of Agriculture
Lived in larger groups, were sedentary for part of the year
Weaving and netting
Grinding stones
Raised maize (corn), beans, squash
Settled village life
Burial mounds
Relied on cultivation of food so groups lived in river valleys
Mounds (Cahokia mound is from this period)
Evidence of government/ chiefdoms