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What is the Standford-Binet Intelligence Test based on?
hierarchical general mental ability (g)
What is the age range for Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test 5th edition?
2 to 85+ years old
What theory of intelligence is Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test 5th edition based on?
the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory. It incorporates five cognitive factors, each factor divided into nonverbal and verbal domains.
Regarding the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test, what does the fluid reasoning factor assess?
Fluid intelligence (gf)
Regarding the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test, what does the knowledge factor assess?
crystallized knowledge (Gc)
Regarding the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test, What does the Quantitative Reasoning factor assess?
quantitative knowledge (Gq)
Regarding the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test, what does the Visual-Spatial Processing factor assess?
visual processing (Gv)
Regarding the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test, what does the Working Memory factor assess?
short-term memory (Gsm)
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test 5th edition administration
begins with two routing subtests – Object Series/Matrices and Vocabulary, starting point is determined by the examinee’s age or estimated ability level, other subtests begins at a level below the level indicated by the routing subtests.
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test 5th edition administration: Basal Level
Highest point at which examinees answers all questions correctly for two age levels
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test 5th edition administration: Ceiling level
which is the point at which the examinee misses 75% of the questions at two consecutive age levels.
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test 5th edition administration: discontinuation
testing continues until the examinee reaches his or her ceiling level
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test scoring
subtest scores have a mean of 10 and standard deviation of 3 and are combined to obtain four composite scores that have a mean of 100 and standard deviation of 15
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test: abbreviated battery IQ
derived from scores on the two routing subtest. provides a quick estimate of an examinee’s nonverbal fluid and verbal crystallized cognitive abilities.
What intelligence model is Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV) based on?
a hierarchical model of intelligence
What is the age range for the WAIS-IV
16 through 90 years of age
What did a factor analyses identify regarding the WAIS-IV?
an alternative five-factor structure that corresponds to CHC abilities
Wais-IV administration start point
start point is listed in the manual
Wais-IV administration reverse rule
involves administering earlier items in reverse order until the examinee obtains a perfect score on two consecutive items
When is the reverse rule used during the wais administration?
when an examinee obtains a score of zero on one or both of the first two items administered
discontinue rule for wais-iv?
is either a designated number of consecutive items that receive a score of zero or a designated period of time.
what is the subtest mean and sd of the wais-iv?
a mean of 10 and standard deviation of 3 and are combined to obtain a Full Scale IQ score
what is the mean and sd of the four index scores of the wais-iv?
a mean of 100 and standard deviation of 15.
How can the GAI be derived in the wais-iv?
from the examinee’s Verbal Comprehension and Perceptual Reasoning Index scores
What is the GAI used for regarding the wais-iv?
when an examiner wants a summary score for an examinee that minimizes the effects of working memory and processing speed.
What does it indicate when a person’s PSI is their lowest index score and the VCI is the highest index score?
Probable Alzheimer’s Dementia (Mild), major depressive disorder, traumatic brain injury, or ADHD
What does it indicate when a person’s PSI is their lowest index score and the PRI is the highest index score?
Autism Spectrum Disorder
What does it indicate when a person’s PRI is their lowest index score and the VCI is the highest index score?
Mild cognitive impairment
What is a characteristic of nonverbal learning disability regarding the wais?
a vci score that is significantly higher than the PRI score
Lowest index score of psi, highest index score of vci
lowest index score WMI, highest index score VSI
specific learning disorder - reading
lowest index score psi, highest index score fri
autism spectrum disorder with language impairment
lowest index score: psi, highest index score: vci
autism spectrum disorder without language impairment