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Campus Martius
Where do Roman soldiers train?
The Ides of March
March 15, 44 BC is also known as...
Scipio Africanus (cincinnatus???
He was held up as the IDEAL Roman patriot.
Who was the founder of Rome?
Mark Antony
He gave Caesar's funeral oration.
The Battle of Cannae
The third battle of the Second Punic War where Rome lost 80,000 men in less than 6 hours (according to Polybius).
Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
Also known as the Gemmae Corneliae (the gems of Cornelia).
The First Triumvirate
Crassus was a member of...
As this power in position, Cincinnatus could have held power for up to 6 months. Instead, after two week, he returned imperium to the senate and went home to his farm.
J. Caesar
Pompey and this man engaged in the Civil War.
Pyrrhic Victory
Something won at a great a cost.
Crassus couldn't conquer this man without Pompey's help.
Hannibal tried to cross this with war elephants.
He was dictator who returned imperium back to the Roman Senate and returned to his farm.
Mark Antony
He had two children with Cleopatra before his death.
Rubicon River
J. Caesar famously crossed this river, effectively declaring war on his enemies in Rome.
The die is cast.
A phrase which means "there is no turning back", "one must press on"
The direct vote of all the members of an electorate on an important public question such as a change in the constitution.
What is the region in which Sparta is located?
Vestal Virgins
A maiden consecrated to Vesta and vowed to chastity, sharing the charge of maintaining the sacred fire burning on the goddess's altar.
I came, I saw, I conquered.
Caesar's phrase indicating an easy victory.
Hamilcar Barca
The last of the four Carthaginian generals in the First Punic War.
Octavian Augustus
Who was the first emperor of Rome?
Sic semper tyrannis.
Literally translated, "Thus always to tyrants"
Gaius Marius
Who was J. Caesar's maternal uncle?
12 Tables
This was a set of laws inscribed on bronze created in ancient Rome in 451 and 450 BCE.
12 Tables
They were the beginning of a new approach to laws where they would be passed by government and written down so that all citizens might be treated equally before them.
The Second Triumvirate
Lepidus was a member of...
Causa belli
This is a Latin expression meaning "an act or event that provokes or is used to justify war" (literally, "an occasion of war")
Scipio Africanus
He was the leader of the Roman soldiers in the last battle of Second Punic War.
Gaius Marius
Who broke Roman law by being elected 7 times as Consul?
Gaius Marius' arch rival.
Rhea Silivia
The parents of Romulus and Remus were Mars and?
27 BC
What is the accepted ending date for the Roman Republic?
Pontifex Maximus
The person who oversaw the Vestal Virgins.
Vestal Virgins
They cultivated the sacred fire that was not allowed to go out.
Vestal Virgins
They were freed of the usual social obligations to marry and bear children and took a 30-year vow of chastity in order to devote themselves to the study and correct observance of state rituals that were forbidden to the colleges of male priests.
Mark Antony
He fought in the Battle of Actium.
This position in power was the magistrate in ancient Rome who was responsible for maintaining the census, supervising public morality, and overseeing certain aspects of the government's finances
"Friends, Romans, countrymen; lend me your ears."
The opening words of Caesar's funeral oration spoken by Antony, according to Shakespeare.
Hannibal Barca
He was the leader of the Carthaginian soldiers in the Second Punic War.
Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
Known for attempting to push through social and agricultural reforms.
Senātus Populusque Rōmānus
The Ides of March
The festival day on which Caesar was assassinated.
J. Caesar
He fought in the Gallic Wars.
Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
They attempted to break up the Latifundia and put the urban poor back onto farms.
Hannibal Barca
Hamilcar made him swear an oath, "Never to be a friend to the Romans!"
Gaius Marius
Sulla's arch rival.
Capitoline Hill
Where is the Temple to Jove located in Rome?
The queen who fought Octavian.
Pyrrhic Victory
A hallow victory.
Cato the Elder
This Censor was notoriously adhered to the letter of the law, even banishing a Roman senator for the indecency of embracing his wife on the steps of the Curia.
What is the region in which Mycenae is located?
Which is Rome's port city?
The location for the final battle of the Second Punic War.
Who was the first king of Rome?
The First Triumvirate
They were created to divide power and rule over Rome; Cicero declined his invitation because her felt it went against Roman Law, that it wasn't in accord with a Republic.
In ancient Rome, one of the two annually elected chief magistrates who jointly ruled the republic.
Vestal Virgins
The College of the _______ and its well-being were regarded as fundamental to the continuance and security of Rome.
Vestal Virgins
A maiden consecrated to Vesta and vowed to chastity, sharing the charge of maintaining the sacred fire burning on the goddess's altar
Who was Romulus' brother?
Where is the birthplace of Alexander the Great?
AD 476
What is the accepted ending date for the Roman Empire?
March 15, 44 BC
When was J. Caesar assassinated?
Pontifex Maximus
The "greatest bridge builder"
The Second Triumvirate
This was created to hunt down Caesar's assassins
Romulus Augustus
Who was the last emperor of Rome?
A bundle of rods with a projecting axe blade, carried by a lictor in ancient Rome as a symbol of a magistrate's power.
Occurring or existing before a particular war, especially the American Civil War.
Who is the man who ran from Marathon to Athens?
Alba Longa
Where was the birth place of Rhea Silvia?
The highest office that a pleb could hold.
The First Triumvirate
This came to end when Caesar marched on Rome.
J. Caesar
Elected as "Dictator in Perpetua" one month before his death.
He led the Third Slave Revolt.
Numa Pompilius
Who was the king of Rome credited with establishing many Roman religious customs and practices?
Tarquin Superbus
Who was the last king of Rome?
The First Triumvirate
Caesar and Pompey were members of...
What is the region in which Athens is located?
An ordinary person, especially one from the lower social classes
Who were the people who subjugated Rome from 610-510BC?
In the ancient Roman legend of the kingdom era, the Horatii were triplet warriors who lived during the reign of Tullus Hostilius. The accounts of their epic clash with the _______ and the murder of their sister by Publius, the sole survivor of the battle, appear in the writings of Livy.
Cato the Elder
He was infamous for ending every speech with "Carthago Delenda Est"
Et tu, Brute?
Caesar's final words.
This was an elected position in the Roman government that would give a man complete imperium in times of great strife.
English adjective: demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight.
Sic semper tyrannis
Loosely translated, "this is what you deserve for being a tyrant"
J. Caesar
He had one son with Cleopatra before his death.
The Second Triumvirate
In the this group, Octavian ruled the western part of Rome while Anthony took the east.
What is the region that is named after Tantalus' son, whom he cooked up and served to gods?
Cato the Elder is the most famous...
An aristocrat or nobleman.
Numa Pompilius
Who was the second legendary king of Rome?
In 81 BC, he became the first general to march on Rome.
Pompey the Great
Killed by his own men who were bribed by Cleopatra's enemy and brother, Potheinos, in an attempt to curry favor with Caesar.
I came, I saw, I conquered.
Veni, vidi, vici.
An exhausting race named after the place from where Pheidippides runs.
Pontifex Maximus
(in ancient Rome) The head of the principal college of priests; (in the Roman Catholic Church) a title of the Pope.
Who was the general that was actually present at the capture of Jugurtha?
In the ancient Roman legend of the kingdom era, the ________ were triplet warriors who lived during the reign of Tullus Hostilius. The accounts of their epic clash with the Curiatii and the murder of their sister by Publius, the sole survivor of the battle, appear in the writings of Livy.