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September 17, 1787 (George Washington)
When was the U.S. Constitution signed by members of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia?
October 27, 1787
When was Alexander Hamilton's first Federalist Paper published?
February 8, 1788
When was James Madison's Federalist Paper #51 published, discussing the proposed Constitution's ability to check the "tyranny of the majority"?
June 21, 1788
When did New Hampshire become the ninth and deciding state to ratify the new U.S. Constitution?
April 15, 1789 (George Washington)
When did The Gazette of the United States begin publishing in New York City?
May 12, 1789 (George Washington)
When was the Tammany Society of New York founded?
July 14, 1789 (George Washington)
When did the Storming of the Bastille take place in France, marking the end of royal control?
May 1790 (George Washington)
When did Alexander Hamilton propose the Assumption Plan to have the federal government assume state debts accrued during the Revolution?
February 25, 1791 (George Washington)
When was the First Bank of the United States chartered for 20 years?
October 31, 1791 (George Washington)
When was the National Gazette first published in Philadelphia by Philip Freneau?
1793 (George Washington)
When were societies, such as the German Republican Society, formed in Philadelphia and other major cities to fight aristocracy and promote democratic policies?
1794 (George Washington)
When was A Definition of Parties published by John Taylor of Carolina?
1794 (George Washington)
When was the first part of the Age of Reason published by Thomas Paine, supporting the disestablishment of state religions?
When was the Aurora General Advertiser first published in Philadelphia, supporting Republican policies?
1795 (George Washington)
When did the Second Great Awakening begin in frontier areas of the early U.S.?
June 24, 1795 (George Washington)
When did a Federalist majority in the Senate ratify the Jay Treaty with Great Britain despite strong Republican opposition?
March 16, 1797 (John Adams)
When did President Adams ask Congress for the authority to commence an undeclared naval war against France?
Winter 1797-98 (John Adams)
When did the XYZ Affair take place during treaty negotiations with France?
February 15, 1798 (John Adams)
When did Federalist Representative Roger Griswold attack Republican Representative Matthew Lyon on the floor of Congress?
June-July 1798 (John Adams)
When were the Sedition Act and three "Alien" Acts passed by the Federalist-controlled Congress?
November 16, 1798 (John Adams)
When did the Kentucky Assembly pass the first "Kentucky Resolution," asserting the power of states to defy unconstitutional federal law?
December 24, 1798 (John Adams)
When did the Virginia General Assembly pass Madison's resolution attacking unconstitutional federal laws such as the Sedition Act?
March 1, 1799 (John Adams)
When did Fries' Rebellion begin in Pennsylvania against taxes passed to support a military buildup?
November 9, 1799 (John Adams)
When did Napoleon Bonaparte take over the French Republic in a coup that ended the Revolutionary Period?
April 9, 1800 (John Adams)
When was Thomas Cooper arrested for violating the Sedition Act?
May 5, 1800 (John Adams)
When did John Adams begin his cabinet purge by forcing out Hamilton loyalists?
August 1800 (John Adams)
When was the ill-fated Gabriel's Rebellion set to begin but was stalled by weather near Richmond, Virginia?
October 31, 1800 (John Adams)
When did the pro-Republican National Intelligence publish its first issue as the first newspaper in the District of Columbia?
February 17, 1801 (Thomas Jefferson)
When did the House of Representatives vote in favor of Thomas Jefferson as president on the 36th ballot?
April 8, 1801 (Thomas Jefferson)
When was the Judiciary Act of 1801 passed, seeking to expand judicial influence and structure that favored the outgoing Federalists?
February 24, 1803 (Thomas Jefferson)
When did the Supreme Court rule in the case of Marbury v. Madison, establishing the precedent of judicial review?
April 30, 1803 (Thomas Jefferson)
When did President Jefferson agree to purchase the Louisiana Territory from France for $15 million?
1804 (Thomas Jefferson)
When did Thomas Ritchie become editor of the Richmond Enquirer, giving a voice to the Richmond Junto supporting Jefferson and controlling Virginia politics?
June 15, 1804 (Thomas Jefferson)
When was the 12th Amendment added to the U.S. Constitution, separating the votes for president and vice president?
July 11, 1804 (Thomas Jefferson)
When was Alexander Hamilton mortally wounded in a duel with Aaron Burr?
1806 (Thomas Jefferson)
When was the National Road approved by Congress to be built from Cumberland, Maryland, to the Ohio River at Wheeling?
June 1807 (Thomas Jefferson)
When was the USS Chesapeake attacked and boarded by the HMS Leopard near Norfolk?
September 1, 1807 (Thomas Jefferson)
When was Aaron Burr acquitted of treason in federal court?
1808 (Thomas Jefferson)
When did the Argus of Western America begin to be published in Kentucky with Amos Kendall as editor?
March 16, 1810 (James Madison)
When did the Supreme Court rule in the case of Fletcher v. Peck, declaring a state law unconstitutional for the first time?
March 9, 1812 (James Madison)
When were the Henry Letters made public by President Madison, falsely claiming there was a plot to have New England rejoin the British Empire?
June 18, 1812 (James Madison)
When did the U.S. declare war on Great Britain for continued interruptions of trade and impressment of sailors?
September 4, 1813 (James Madison)
When did a bloody brawl between future political compatriots Andrew Jackson and Thomas Hart Benton break out in Nashville?
1814 (James Madison)
When was Inquiry into the Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States by John Taylor published, supporting strong state governments?
December 15, 1814 (James Madison)
When did the series of meetings by Federalists in New England, known as the Hartford Convention, begin?
December 24, 1814 (James Madison)
When was the Treaty of Ghent agreed to end the War of 1812?
1815 (James Madison)
When did the ideas that became known as the American System start to emerge after the War of 1812?
1815 (James Madison)
When did the Era of Good Feelings begin with the close of the War of 1812 and the end of European intrigue after the Napoleonic Wars?
November 20, 1815 (James Madison)
When did the Napoleonic Wars end, and Napoleon was exiled to Saint Helena?
1816 (James Madison)
When did Robert Finley found the American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Color of the U.S.?
February 21, 1816 (James Madison)
When was the American Toleration and Reform Party founded in Connecticut to push for a new state constitution and disestablishment?
March 20, 1816 (James Madison)
When did the Supreme Court rule in the case of Martin v. Hunter's Lessee, establishing the precedent that it was the final arbiter of state court decisions involving federal law?
April 16, 1816 (James Madison)
When was the Second Bank of the United States chartered for 20 years under President Madison?
June 1, 1817 (James Monroe)
When did President Monroe begin an unprecedented tour of northern states?
1818 (James Monroe)
When did Bucktail Republicans form their faction of the party in New York state to oppose then-Governor DeWitt Clinton?
1818 (James Monroe)
When was the National Road completed, linking the East Coast to the Ohio River?
February 13, 1819 (James Monroe)
When did the Tallmadge Amendment pass the House, requiring Missouri to be admitted as a free state?
March 2, 1819 (James Monroe)
When was the Steerage Act of 1819 passed, becoming the first law in the U.S. to monitor immigration?
March 6, 1819 (James Monroe)
When did the Supreme Court rule in the case of McCulloch v. Maryland, stating that federal laws were supreme over states?
July 5, 1819 (James Monroe)
When did the Committee of Fifteen meet in Huntsville to draft the Alabama Constitution, removing many voting qualifications and establishing more direct elections?
March 3, 1820 (James Monroe)
When did Congress pass the legislation known as the Missouri Compromise?
1821 (James Monroe)
When did Martin Van Buren found the Albany Regency to control Republican Party activities in New York?
March 2, 1821 (James Monroe)
When did the Supreme Court rule in the case of Cohens v. Virginia, asserting its right to review state criminal proceedings?
1824 (James Monroe)
When were the elections of 18XX, generally recognized as the end of the First Party system?
April 1, 1824 (James Monroe)
When did Congress pass the General Survey Act to grant presidential authority to survey and improve key transportation routes?
February 9, 1825 (James Monroe)
When did the House of Representatives vote in favor of John Quincy Adams as president on the first vote of the contingent election?
October 26, 1825 (John Quincy Adams)
When was the Erie Canal completed after eight years, connecting the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes?
February 13, 1826 (John Quincy Adams)
When was the American Temperance Society founded in Boston?
September 1826 (John Quincy Adams)
When did William Morgan disappear after announcing intentions to publish a book about the secret activities of Freemasons?
1828 (John Quincy Adams)
When was the first labor-oriented political party in the U.S. organized in Philadelphia as the Workingmen's Party?
1828 (John Quincy Adams)
When did John C. Calhoun start the Nullifier Party in South Carolina?
1828 (John Quincy Adams)
When did the Second Party System of the U.S. generally begin, running through 1854?
May 11, 1828 (John Quincy Adams)
When was the controversial Tariff of 1828 passed in the House?
December 1828 (John Quincy Adams)
When did Calhoun author the South Carolina Exposition and Protest to protest the Tariff of 1828 and support the doctrine of nullification?
April 13, 1830 (Andrew Jackson)
When did President Jackson deliver the "Our Federal Union, it must be preserved" toast to counter nullification?
May 1830 (Andrew Jackson)
When did President Jackson sign the Indian Removal Act into law, pushing tribal residents living in existing states to areas west of the Mississippi?
January 1, 1831 (Andrew Jackson)
When did William Lloyd Garrison publish the first issue of The Liberator, calling for an end to slavery in the U.S.?
April 1831 (Andrew Jackson)
When did Martin Van Buren offer to resign as secretary of state to allow President Jackson to reshuffle his cabinet due to the fallout from the Peggy Eaton Affair?
August 21, 1831 (Andrew Jackson)
When did Nat Turner lead an unsuccessful revolt of enslaved people in Southampton County, Virginia?
September 1, 1831
When did the Anti-Masonic Party hold the first-ever national political party convention to nominate William Wirt for president in Baltimore?
December 1, 1831 (Andrew Jackson)
When did the National Republican Party meet in Baltimore as the first major party to hold a nominating convention for their presidential ticket?
March 3, 1832 (Andrew Jackson)
When did the Supreme Court rule in the case of Worcester v. Georgia, stating that states could not regulate Native lands?
May 21, 1832 (Andrew Jackson)
When did the first-ever Democratic National Convention meet in Baltimore to select their presidential candidate?
July 10, 1832 (Andrew Jackson)
When did President Jackson issue his veto of the bill rechartering the Bank of the United States?
September 10, 1832 (Andrew Jackson)
When did President Jackson announce that federal funds would be withdrawn from the Bank of the United States?
1833 (Andrew Jackson)
When did William Lloyd Garrison found the American Anti-Slavery Society?
1834 (Andrew Jackson)
When did Henry Clay and others coalesce in opposition to the Jackson administration by forming the Whig Party?
March 28, 1834 (Andrew Jackson)
When did the U.S. Senate pass the first and only censure of a sitting president by punishing Jackson for firing the treasury secretary and removing federal deposits from the Bank of the United States?
March 2, 1833 (Andrew Jackson)
When was the Force Bill passed by Congress to authorize the president to enforce tariffs?
1835 (Andrew Jackson)
When was a radical wing of the Democratic Party founded in New York City to fight against powerful financial interests?
January 1835 (Andrew Jackson)
When did Richard Lawrence attempt to assassinate President Jackson at the Capitol?
December 29, 1835 (Andrew Jackson)
When was the Treaty of New Echota signed by a minority faction of the Cherokee Nation, ceding territory rights east of the Mississippi?
May 25, 1836 (Andrew Jackson)
When did former President John Quincy Adams make his first speech attacking the recently passed "gag rule" prohibiting petitions concerning slavery?
July 11, 1836 (Andrew Jackson)
When did President Jackson issue the Specie Circular, requiring payment for government land sales to be in gold or silver?
February 8, 1837 (Martin Van Buren)
When was Richard Mentor Johnson elected vice president by the U.S. Senate after failing to gain a majority of the electoral college?
April 24, 1838 (Martin Van Buren)
When was Rep. Jonathan Cilley shot and killed by William Graves outside of Washington, D.C., in an extended duel?
February 7, 1839 (Martin Van Buren)
When did Henry Clay declare that he would "rather be right than President" while speaking out against abolition efforts in the Senate?
July 1, 1839 (Martin Van Buren)
When was the Amistad taken over by kidnapped Africans near Cuba and seized off the coast of New York City?
Spring 1840 (Martin Van Buren)
When did Whigs co-opt the Democratic insult about William Henry Harrison to christen their populist "hard cider campaign"?
April 4, 1841 (William Henry Harrison)
When did William Henry Harrison become the first president to die in office, leading to John Tyler assuming the role of president?