Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin
political movement; exalts nation/race above all, centralized government headed by dictator
The Rods
used as a symbol of authority and power in fascist regimes, representing strength and unity
the strap
used in fascist symbolism to represent discipline and control; holds the parties together
The Roman Axe
a symbol of authority and power in fascist regimes, representing strength and the state's right to enforce order.
classless society; Internationalists
Class has its place; nationalists
militant supporters of Mussolini's Fascist Party in Italy, known for their violent tactics and loyalty to the regime.
Der Fuhrer
Title used by Adolf Hitler, meaning "the Leader" in German, symbolizing his absolute authority in Nazi Germany.
Mein Kampf/My Struggles
Hitlers journal he wrote in prision showing his goals and beliefs
Protection squad loyal to Hitler
The secret police of Nazi Germany, known for their brutal tactics and surveillance to eliminate opposition to the regime.
Beer Hall Revolt
A failed coup attempt by Hitler and the Nazi Party in 1923 to seize power in Munich, which resulted in their arrest and the writing of Mein Kampf.
Mussolini sought to revive the
Roman Empire
Reichstag Fire
a pivotal event in 1933 where the German parliament building was set on fire, leading to the consolidation of power by the Nazis and the suspension of civil liberties.
Munich Conference
A 1938 meeting between Germany, Britain, France, and Italy where the policy of appeasement was adopted, allowing Hitler to annex the Sudetenland.
Event that started the state-sanctioned violence against Jews
Enabling Act
Allowed Hitler to rule by decree and ended the Weimar Republic
The Night of Long Knives
A 1934 purge in which Hitler eliminated potential rivals within the Nazi Party, consolidating his power
Paramilitary organization of the Nazi Party that played a key role in Hitler's rise to power, known for their violent tactics and intimidation; Hitlers political enforcers
Nuremberg Laws/Reich Citizenship
antisemitic and racist laws stripping people of their rights and citizen ship during the Holocaust; announced at first Nazi pep rally in Nuremberg
a political system and a form of government that prohibits opposition from political parties, disregards and outlaws the political claims of individual and group opposition to the state, and completely controls the public sphere and the private sphere of society
Mussolini named Prime Minister of Italy after
March on Rome
complete control of the media, centralized power, strict cultural rules, limited individual freedoms, planned economies, and mass propaganda